
A Month and a Day

Hey ya'll.

Sorry about the break. I needed a breather from the journal for a while. I still haven't decided on keeping it or ending it, but for now, we'll just go on a little boy rant, shall we?

I really wish I wasn't wanting a relationship as badly as I am. Everyone keeps saying "you'll find someone when you stop looking", but I can't stop looking. My brain is set in guy-find mode, and the switch to turn it off broke in the banking days of 2006. (It was probably all that hand-sanitizer I used, but I couldn't help it! So unclean are the people of downtown Hamilton! Blech.)

I went to a "mystery wine party" last night and it was a crazy fun time. Everyone brings a bottle of wine and decorates the bottle so that it covers up the label. Then everyone tries a bit of each wine, writes down where they think it's from and what kind (merlot, chardonnay, etc.). There are prizes given out for best dressed bottle, best white, best red, and whoever gets the most correct. My bottle, entitled "Drunken Easter", was done up ALL in ribbons (took me freaking forever). I came in second place for design (lost to a Happy Birthday bottle on the host's birthday - you can't beat that), and my California Chardonnay won best white! Yeah, that's right. I won something! I won a wine pourer thing, which I have been looking to buy for a while now for my liquor bottles, so yee-haw!

The party itself was a terrific success. I met some really great people and really had a blast. *enter boy drama* I really like the host. Like, a lot. I mean, I don't know him that well, but I guess you could say I have a boy-crush. Anywho, I had intended on going to this party and hitting on him, which I did a little. However, about half-way through the party, a boy arrives who the host met the night before, and apparently they are dating or something. Joy. The boy is very nice and hot as well, so it was hard not to want the host to be with him since they're obviously attracted to one another. So aside from having a great time, I also had some awkward annoying times, like being stuck under an awning downtown with the two of them. Yeah, quaint.

Anyway, I guess I'll just have to move onto yet another guy. I feel like Carrie from Sex and the City, only without the sex or the city.

..I think I'll keep the blog going for now, as long as you don't mind guy rants.

--Jam and the Newfies

PS: I'll post a picture of me and my prize-winning bottle in the next post. It's ribbon-tastic!


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