
The Happy Soup Smell

Howdy cowboys and cowgirls!

Oooh, my virus protecty thing just popped up and said "no threats found". Ah, satisfying.

Anywho, I'm all done exams! My last one went smoothly - kicked some serious pre-18th century literature ass. It feels crazy to be done the semester. I keep feeling like I'm slacking off by lying here without thinking of my responsibilities, but look at me! I have none! Well, that's not true. I have to go job hunting again soon. Give it a couple days - I earned this lazy bum time.

I feel great today! I slept for fourteen hours via Neocitrin and woke up feeling very refreshed and semi-coldless! Take that, germs! I think I'll be almost all better by tomorrow when I go to...

Ben's par-tay! Woot! Double woot! Maybe even triple! ...let's not push it.

Ben, former blogger and person in my sidebar, is having an end-of-semester thang and I'm uber excited! Uber! I'm just looking forward to partying with all my friends, doing whatever-the-hell we feel like. The Boy is coming too, so that should add an extra element of fun to the evening, unless my friends go insane and twenty-question his ass. Then I'd have to step in and give them some emergency doses of tequila, stat!

So last night around 9pm, I thought to myself I'd make some soup, drink some Neocitrin and hit the hay early. I brought the soup all the way up to my room, set it on my desk, and dumped it all over everything. Yeah, I'm awesome like that. Have any of you ever tried to clean up soup? It is quite possibly the most difficult substance in the entire world to clean. I mean, I spilled a lot of it, but on top of the broth, there were noodles everywhere. Under stuff, on stuff, in my chair. Yes, in. When I move that chair in a couple weeks to my new place, noodles are going to fall out of it. Mark my words. Anyway, that took me about half-an-hour to clean up. Who needs Neocitrin when you can tire yourself out by cleaning up spilled soup?

I suppose I should do some cleaning and packing today. Ya know, be slightly productive. For now, though, I'm going to lie in bed and bask in the lovely glow that is my life today.

--Jam is basking


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did it! I caught up! :D
WOOOW i'm so glad you're enjoying yourself a little more these days. I like happy Jam :)
AND applause for the new boy! WOOO!!! Make sure you keep us updated! Yet you never mentioned his name... it's like one of those catches on tv where they try to stay all secret... like never showing Wilson's face. He'll be Nameless Boy. That's sexy ;)
Hehe enjoy your time off!! You earned it. I'm very proud of you. OMG and I have to tell you about my interviews and future job stuff. We'll catch up soon. *muah!*

6:47 PM  

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