

Hey, you sexy beasts! Rawr.

So, what is going on to all the blogs? Only Liz is keeping up on feeding my blog addiction, so she gets a gold star. I removed Ben and Kelilah from my sidebar because they stopped posting. Don't take offense guys. It's just that you're slackers.

Today I have my final exam of my first year at MUN! I can't believe it. It's like when you were a kid and you had a really exciting field trip coming up, to a theme park or a cider mill or whatever the hell you did when you were a kid, and when you get there, you wake up early and get all excited. Afterwards, you remember the day as one that ended the anticipation, and sometimes you even remember the date. That day, my bloggy friends, is today for me. I hated my classes this term, so I am more than happy to see them go.

Summer is going to be amazing. I've decided and there's nothing you can do about it. I still need to find a job, but as soon as I do, I'll get myself into a neat-and-tidy schedule of working out, living alone, finishing Wicked, working, school, etc. It'll be GREAT. I'll show you.

I'm sick with this disgusting cold. I had some nasal condition thing and I started using a prescribed nasal spray, but very shortly after I started using it, I got dreadfully sick. I'm not sure if it was the spray or the nasal thingy or if I caught something separate altogether. In any case, I was completely stoned on medication yesterday, so it was nice to get to sleep via the Neocitrin highway.

It feels good to be back into blogging. I feel like life has dealt me a whole new hand for me to play with. Life was growing so stagnant, but, even on top of the boy (whom may or may not be into me - haven't talked to him since Saturday), there's new people and new experiences to be had.

And now, people I may have made sick, as I'm beginning to think that I am contageous:
-the boy
-my roommate(s)
-my aunt
-my uncle
-my cousin

My bad.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on completing your first year!!!!! I hope you enjoy your classes more next year! *fingers crossed*

As for blogging....I'm very excited to read your blog again! My addiction to facebook is starting to dwindle...so now I can pick up my addiction to reading blogs again! Thanks!! :)

2:22 PM  

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