
The One Thing

There comes a time when every person falls for another. A smile, a quirk, a bad joke - the smallest particularity can send the head spinning and the heart reeling, and last night, it happened to me.

The boy, who will now be revealed as Michael, went out with me last night for drinks and dancing. We went to several bars, had a great time, and I ended up, again, at his house. I didn't quite understand what we were and what his intentions are with me, but I went back to his place anyway. It was a nice night, but it wasn't until I woke up in the early afternoon that I saw what had been missing for so long. We had been sleeping tangled up for hours, but it wasn't until he opened his eyes and smiled that I knew I had found something special. His smile is warm and genuine and in it, I saw the first glimpse of something amazing.

My inner pessimist, who runs a lot of my life these days, says for me to forget him. If I forget him, I don't have the chance of getting hurt. And of course there are things about him I don't like, and I still don't know what we are or his intentions, but that smile makes it all seem worthwhile. The next time I see him, I'm going to tell him how I feel about him and bare my raw emotions like I never have. I'm terrified and worried - of rejection, of embarrassment, of everything - but for all I know, he is too.

I may simply get him to read this while I'm in the room or something because I'm not so great with the emotiony gunk. So, if you're Michael and you're reading this right now, I'm really sorry. I'm bad with saying anything aloud besides sarcastic jerk banter.

Wish me luck, world.



Blogger Icarus said...

Luck, luck, and luck! I hope it all works out for you, Jammy. You deserve to be this happy!

(Also, give me a shout sometime soonish. We need to have adventures.)

Haha, my word verification thing is "kcxin". I laughed out loud and tried to pronounce it as "kicksin". So yeah. Kcxin some butt, Jammy.


1:14 PM  

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