
The Singleventures

Hey everyone!

So I'm trying very hard to get back into blogging. It's not as easy as it seems once you've stopped. You ask yourself silly questions like "Is anyone actually reading this?", "Even if they are, do they care about my randomness?" I keep writing posts and then not putting them up because they seem so boring and dull. I know if I was reading them, I'd be like "Uh, Jam? Be unboring please. Thanks," followed by me switching to staring at a less-boring wall.

Anywho, I've been single for about a week-or-so now and I have to say I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes things just don't work out and after trying to stretch out the inevitable breakup, it feels good to be free and able to be entirely happy once again. I'm casually dating here and there and it's just a lot of fun. I never thought I'd be so satisfied with being single, but I really, really am.

I coming to the horribly self-absorbed realization that I'm actually kind of hot and guys take notice. Go figure? I think being in a relationship makes a person more attractive somehow. It's like you know that you're good enough to be with that last person who was hot and fun, so you exude more confidence. Mayhaps? I don't really know. All I know is I feel like I'm beating guys off with a stick lately. Ha - that sounds horribly dirty and strange, like forest porn or something.

Woodchucks, starring Ruff McBoner. "Watch as Ruff beats off guys with sticks and leaves in this new and tantalizing camping sexventure!" Hahaha! Oh my. If that exists, I'm sorry for humanity. And even more sorry for someone named Ruff McBoner.

I went to the gay bar on Saturday with my gorgeous friend Michelle. It was a much needed excursion, and I managed to go out and only spend $20. How amazing is that? I feel like normally when I go clubbing, $20 is the fee for leaving the house, and $20 more for going to the bathroom, because by the end of the night, I've taken out a line of credit just to get my cab home and owe loan sharks my molars.

While at the bar, I noticed this gorgeous short boy. By short, I really mean about an inch shorter than me, so I'm basically calling myself short. I don't know what it is about short guys that gets me going. I think it's that I enjoy being taller than guys or something? Just like how a straight guy likes being taller than his girlfriend maybe? I have no clue. All I know is if I see a short hot guy, I'm much more inclined to beat him off with a stick than a tall one.

I introduced myself after realizing that I had talked to him through Facebook earlier that day. We then proceeded to get a couple drinks, talk a little bit out in the rain, and dance like I've never danced before. I would imagine it was one part alcohol, one part singleness, one part me being into him, and one part him being into me, because we were dancing practically on top of one another. Normally I'm like "ew, skanky drunks!" but because it was me, I'll let it slide.

We danced and eventually made out a little on the dancefloor. Michelle, being the absolutely amazing friend that she is, danced with his friend and kept pushing me on. I love it when the friend I bring wants me to have a good time with guys rather than getting jealous. I've dealt with both and Michelle is by far one of the best people I've ever brought with me to a gay bar! Some girls are just meant to be fag hags I guess. I hate using that term, but society created it, not me, so deal.

At one point, Michelle and I lost track of the boy and his friend. We found them out front having a smoke, so we started taking pictures of one another. Ya know - drunk stuff. I noticed that there cop cars all over; seems like there was a brawl at a nearby club. One cruiser was parked directly in front of the club with the cop sitting in the car talking to a guy in the back. The boy then proceeds to drag me in front of the car so we could make out on the main street of downtown in front of the police. I'm not even kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up. Michelle has pictures, so I will definitely post them up. I mean, come on, that's freaking hot. In front of all the straight clubs and hundreds of random people downtown on a Saturday night, two little gay boys made out inches away from a cop car. I'd be impressed if I saw that, let alone was that.

Anyway, the night was amazing, and ended off with McDonald's and one of the boy's other friends hitting on me hardcore. I don't think his friend really understood or knew that I made out with him on Water Street, but whatever. I was nearly passed out in the car, so I let him hit on me while I half-napped.

I think I'm going to enjoy being single. I think I'm seeing the boy again this week, so hopefully there is much more to come. With him and others, lol.

--Jam, loving single life


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