

Normally if I have a poem to share, I'll post it over on Jam's Novel Idea, however this poem was not written by me, so I will be sharing it on here. It is definitely one of my favourite pieces, if not the favourite, that I have ever read. Enjoy!


"That Time of Year"
by Anne Compton

The day was night and lasted half a week.

Dawn was in the details: each branch a charcoal stroke
against the grey.

Cloud cover pulled so low, its flange was pinned to hills,
the distant dulse-coloured hills.

Leaves thickening up the overcast: a second sky
beneath the scudless murk.

Two waking days and then the mass: hymns at heaven's gate
if you're hopeful.

Outside the funeral parlour, a patchy fog suspended
among the trees

hanging out with the smokers -- watchers on a break
whose talk is weather
and what the lack of light portends. The calm of it.

We're near enough the end to know
perfection of the mood's a paradox.

Among the smokers though
there's one for whom the day's a canvas.

He said the purple of the hills was mile-off rain with shining
in it, and how lovely that was when it happened.

In every score or so, God sends a watcher
whose eyes are not as others are.

They are the ones the light shines through.


That's from the collection processional if you like it. The rest of the works are great as well, but I thought this one was especially moving. Anyway, enjoy your day, and make sure the light shines through!



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