
Still Mind

Hey everybody!

So it's 5 o'clock on a Thursday and I just recently woke up. It's a sad state of affairs, I'm very aware. However, this whole mono biz-nass (if that's what I have) has me so worn out I can barely function.

So I'm doing much better than in my last post. I've decided to move on to other problems and try to keep myself busy, focus on other things so I don't think about the other night. I've moved onto a much more serious problem called apathy. A few years ago I hardly knew the meaning of the word, and now it seems to describe my life. I feel ill everytime I think about how apathetic I've become, and I feel awful that I'm missing class or not doing my readings, but at the same time, I do nothing to resolve it. I'm going to ask some members of my family for advice. Maybe they can knock some sense into me. If not, I'll just nap through the next six months and wake up more annoyed with myself than ever.

Tonight is Survivor, The OC, and The Apprentice. Ah Thursday, how I love thee. I can blissfully watch the television for three hours and not care about the blunders of the world. Tomorrow night I hope to go out with my roomies, but it seems we may just stay in. Not sure how excited I am to stay in and drink, so I might go out with some other people or something. We shall see.

Well, I'm off to make some grub and pretend to do readings. Ciao 4 now!


OH! I forgot! Go to this link and click on the blinking green Christmas light along the top of the monitor. It's absolutely hilarious and I think I've watched it about 200 times. Yay Homestar!


Blogger Paixão said...

hey babes, well maybe its not apathy, maybe its depression? i dunno, lately ive been feeling the same way for some reaosn. we tend to do that dont we? and if you'd like i can come get you and we can go out or something saturday evening or something. up to u let me know k? *huggles* me.

2:02 AM  

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