
Weekend of the Greats

Hello to my adoring fans!

So it's very late on Saturday night (or very early Sunday morning) and I decided to give you people an update!

I did end up going out on Friday night instead of staying in. I figured I needed a night to get shit-faced (excuse my language), as well as hang out with some friends I don't always get to see. Also, a newer friend of mine, Mike, was going out after a big break up, so I thought it would be a kind gesture if I made it so he knew one more face in the bar. Although he was too drunk to realize I was there, and asked me "how are you" about 100 times because he was just that drunk, I still enjoyed seeing him, and all my other friends, in a different setting.

Tonight he (Mike) and his friend Megan came over to our place and hung out with Nat and I. We played all the awesome games we own (DDR, Donkey Konga, Karaoke) and had one of the best nights I've had in a long time. I've played these games before and had a great time, but the company was amazing, and Nat and Mike are HILARIOUS people! Terrific night, can't wait to do it again soon.

So all in all, I've been having a terrific weekend, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store.

Night all!


My heroes of the day: Mike, Craig, Nat, and Di, for being the best people ever and giving me what proved to be a much needed and very uplifting and fun weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jam, you are ALWAYS my hero! *tear*
YAY for fun weekends!

4:59 PM  

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