
Amazing Craze

So my third post of the day (I swear I'll stop sometime soon) and I just have to post about my crazy excitedness over Nat and I applying for The Amazing Race.

I watched the finale tonight, which may not have been the best idea, as I am so pumped to do the competition, I could go right now. Kendra and that icky man won, which is fine I suppose since they put forth a hell of a lot of effort. And they looked so incredibly happy to have won.

But I don't think either Nat or I are applying to win. We both just want the chance to experience everything the world has to offer, and to have a great time! In today's episode, they had the chance to go skydiving over the Hawaiian coast. Like, can we say "Amazing"? Natalie wouldn't do something like that, therefore I'd be all over it! That is exactly why Nat and I could do well in that competition. We make up for each others' faults, and compensate. We don't bicker too much, and when we do, we're able to resolve quickly.

I seriously hope that the rumours are true, and The Amazing Race allows Canadian teams on the show. If not, Nat and I will have to find something else to fill the void, because we have to prove to ourselves and to those around us that we are two of the best competitors Canada, or the world, has to offer!

--Amazing Jam

Hero of the day: Heather, for being a cutie-pie, and Nat, for being my teammate for life!


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