
Oscar Sings

Hiya people!

So this will be the first of MANY Academy Award posts that I do, as it is one of the most exciting times of the year for me! I love the competition between films, and the glamour and glitz of the entire night!

I downloaded all five Oscar nominated songs, and here's my analysis:

Song: Learn to be Lonely, by Andrew Lloyd Weber and Charles Hart.
Film: The Phantom of the Opera
Why It Was Nominated: An astonishing musical with great vocals by all. One of the only original songs needs to be nominated in order to not only give respect to one of the greatest musicals of the decade, but also to make up for its lack of Best Picture nod.
Chances: 1 in 7. Although it is by acclaimed composer Weber and is part of a phenomenal film, Weber has won an Oscar in the past for Evita, and the song simply isn't as good as some of the others.

Song: Al Otro Lado Del Rio, by Jorge Drexler
Film: The Motorcycle Diaries
Why It Was Nominated: The academy loves this film and this story. The song is peaceful, but has musical merit; exactly what the academy looks for.
Chances: 1 in 4. A great pick.

Song: Vois Sur Ton Chemin, by Bruno Coulais and Christophe Barratier
Film: The Chorus
Why It Was Nominated: A moving foreign film about music. It could not not get nominated.
Chances: 1 in 10. Cute song, good lyrics, nothing extremely special.

Song: Believe, by Glen Ballard and Alan Silvestri, performed by Josh Groban
Film: The Polar Express
Why It Was Nominated: A powerful song from a movie that won over most audiences. Josh Groban is practically an American hero (for some reason), and Silvestri has been nominated in the past.
Chances: 1 in 2. As much as I hate Mr. Groban, the song will almost definitely win.

Song: Accidentally in Love, by Counting Crows
Film: Shrek 2
Why It Was Nominated: The academy needed a fifth song.
Chances: 1 in 100. A long shot, to say the least.

So I'm going to put up a couple more predictions before the big day, but I'm not going to give them all away, because for those of you who are coming to my Oscar party, I can't give away all the answers and then lose, now can I?

--Academy Jam


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