
The American Americana Awards of America

Evenin, my wondrous readers!

So I'm visiting Leanne dis weekend. I always enjoy coming here and relaxing, laying with Romeo the pervert cat, and playing games. We played Beyond Balderdash last night, which was a riot as usual. What does the AAAA stand for? According to me, The American Americana Awards of America (oh come on, it's believable!). Lisa thought that Splanonic was 'an Eastern European dish containing roasted pork' (I mean, what else could it be). If you haven't played the game, you should. You'll have a realization that you really don't know all that much.

Today we're going to see Constantine and I might go to Embassy.. but that's up in the air. I'm not sure if I wanna go to Fem, because I don't normally have that much fun there. A guy I talk to online is going and I wouldn't mind meeting him, but then again, if we don't hit it off, then I'm at Embassy lol. We'll see.

Not much else to say. I'm kinda sleepy so maybe I'll have a nap since Leanne had to run out for a little bit.

Good night, cruel world.



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