
Only One


I'm visiting Leanne in Hamilton and for some reason I woke up at 7am. Yeah, I know I'm weird.

So Leanne and I were discussing families and parents and stuff on the drive back and we came to the conclusion that when we think of sets of parents, there's only ever one parent I enjoy the company of, and one that I particularly don't. I can think of maybe one or two couples who have children who are both good people.

But why is that? Does that mean that the nice ones end up marrying jerks? I consider myself to be one of the nice ones, does that mean I'm going to end up with someone that people think badly of? I don't wanna end up with a jerk! Jerks should end up with jerks. And why is it that nice people end up with jerks? Do they put up with the jerkness, or does the jerkness develop once they get married or have children? One of those unknown phenomena in the world today.

I'm sitting in front of Leanne's window in the living room on the laptop and people keep walking by and looking at me. It's creepy! I don't like this huge window. Maybe I'll board it up while they're sleeping tonight *tee hee*. And her cat Romeo is sitting on the couch and he breathes really loud and seems to sigh. Do cats sigh?... lol weird cat.

I went to Burlington Mall with Lee yesterday to visit Jen on her break and I bought some pants from Bootlegger for FIVE DOLLARS! They're really nice cordoroys and I guess just couldn't sell because they're 29 waists. Haaa score for me. I'm debating going back and buying another pair. I have to get them hemmed, but hey, for five bucks and maybe ten to get them hemmed, I'm not complaining.

Leanne's house is infested with spiders, I'm convinced. We found three last night and I think Romeo just ate one. Ew!

I'm hungry. Maybe I'll go search for some grub. Lindsay's going to Limeridge with me this afternoon, so that should be fun to see her! Maybe I'll find a five dollar car to go with my pants.

Or maybe not. Who knows.

And that, as they say, is that.



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