
No Sun Day

Evenin ladeez.

So I only went out today to get groceries. Other than that, I just played Warcraft, slept, played with the cat, etc. It was a day to forget, lol.

I bought my new pants. Although they're extremely nice and only cost me $60 including hemming, I still don't want to wear them tomorrow. Hopefully my complaint continues to go through whatever channels it needs to and someone comes in to talk about it with me and my manager because, as said earlier, it's as dumb as spinoffs.

I keep having this semi-urge to write or do something productive, but then I open Word and just sit there because I have no motivation to write. It's really strange. I might make myself a deadline for a certain amount of words and try to do it so that I kick my own ass into doing it. My poor kickable ass.

Well, yeah. Nothing to post lol. My week of posts is over. Back to being a slacker :P

--Jam the professional slacker


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