
Saturday Sleeps Without Me

4:57am. Ew. I went to bed around 10 because I was so beat, and now I'm up early. Stupid brain!

I'll tell you this dream I had that woke me up, but first you need a little bit of back-story for it all to make sense. Yesterday at the bank, this uber cute, uber nice guy came to my wicket and was just so great. I couldn't stop thinking about him, so I hope he comes back in. I looked for him online when I got home, but couldn't find him. Anyways, now for the dream.

It was like a nightmare/amazing dream lol. First off, it starts with this pounding noise coming from upstairs, like in my roommate's room. It "wakes" me up in the dream, and I listen to try to figure out what it is. Then the pounding gets closer and then I realize it's someone or something running through the house very fast. Then the pounding moves to my stairs and something runs down them like a crazy person and stands at the bottom, not moving. In the dark, I try to make out who it is, so I grab my glasses and realize it's this tall human-like figure with huge long arms, almost as long as his body. I freak out (obviously.. who's not going to freak out over a thumping monkey man?) and grab my tennis racquet (lol). It jumps over my couch at me and grabs me from behind. I struggle to get free, and then I realize that his huge arms aren't so huge anymore and that I don't want to struggle because the crazy alien thing has turned into the hot guy from work and he's kissing my neck! LOL! So add make out scene, and then I woke up.

I tried to get back to sleep, but from being so freaking scared of a monkey alien turning up at my door, or from being so flustered from that hot guy, or from the headache both have given me, I can't sleep. No wonder I have a headache though. My brain was probably like "Ah, scary! Ah, hot man! Wake up before I implode!".

Ow, my brain.

Well, maybe I'll go to the gym early today. I'll be one of those crazy gym bunnies that open the place. ...maybe not. :P



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