
Bitching Past 400

Hey duders! This is my four-HUNDREDTH post! Isn't that insane? Why am I asking? Of course it's insane! Waaaaaaah! Yay for me and being completely random for over two years, and for you for reading it all! Yeeeehaw!

Anyways, my post today is about this guy I'm interested in (well, kinda). It's a long annoying story... so here it is!

I've already mentioned him in the wedding post about a week ago, so read there for the back story. Long back story short, I went to a wedding, the best man (Mike) was gay, he's hot and seems very great, therefore Jam wants. I'm going to talk about him because it's something going on in my life. I wasn't going to because I'm not sure if he reads this, but if he does, watch me care.

I finally got his MSN about a week ago and have been talking to him quite a bit. He told me that I should have never been told that he was single and curses to the bride for saying that. He rants about his boyfriend and their situation, about all the drama going on, he finally officially breaks up with the guy, but then whines and complains about how he wants him back and how he loves him, ra ra ra. Apparantly, according to other sources, the boyfriend treats Mike badly, and also apparantly, Mike is emotionally masochistic, but this is all heresay. (I think it's true, but that's besides the point.) Anywho, we've been chatting a lot; he messages me quite often for just meeting me. I invited him out with Nat and I on Friday night, and he was thinking about it, but he has a job interview on Saturday morning, so it's a no go.

Kay, things to say about all this:

I like him, but not as much as I did. He shows interest in me (or what I think of as some sort of interest, or whatever he is capable of showing in his current situation), but there's something off. I think he's very incomplete and is trying to fill that "void" with a boyfriend.

It really sounds to me like the emotional masochism is completely true, and I have no doubt that he'll go crawling back to the boyfriend, and I also have no doubt that the boyfriend will treat him just as badly. It completely worries me, but then again, it's completely expected, so there's not much I can do, especially in my position. I just think that, as an outsider looking in on the situation, Mike can really do better. I'm not saying that is dating me or being single or whatever, but I'm worried about him.

My thoughts on the situation are very jumbled because I don't know Mike that well, I don't know the situation inside and out, but all I know is that it just seems like he's lacking every bit of self-confidence that he should have, and that he's not fulfilling his full potential in a lot of aspects of his life. That's all up to him, and it's not my place to judge, but whatever.. it's my blog.

Lastly, on a very selfish note, I really really still like him. He's like the hot nerd that I always wanted to date, and it's just frustrating to not be able to. Call it bad timing or the wrong person altogether, but it's be a fun August if he let it be.

Well, that's my rant about that. I know it probably makes me sound like a horrible bastard, but ya know what, I never claimed to not be one.

--Jam the lovable horrible bastard

Listen to: Ramalama by Roisin Murphy.

PS: Omigosh! If anyone watched So You Think You Can Dance, my Travis almost got voted off! I think I'll die if/when he does. IF/WHEN!


Blogger Maya said...

Unfortunately, I can relate. From the "hot nerd" to me even acting like your Mike. le sigh. =(

9:12 AM  
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