
The Pile

Hey ho! Yeah, that's right. I called you a ho! Ho ho ho! Happy Hollydays!

Anyway, I'm procrastinating. Tomorrow is my final exam *thank Jebus* and I don't want to study. Studying was never my forté. I find I don't really know how to study, and I feel like anything I didn't pick up in class or in the readings shouldn't be "memorized" because that's unnatural. I'm not actually learning it if I memorize it, as it will be gone in weeks. Days if I'm lucky. Alas, I must, for the exam gods demand it of me. Damn you, exam gods! Especially you, Shortanswerus! I hate you! Essayes and Multiplechoica hate you too. We all do. It's a big exam god conspiracy! ..with cake!

My other three classes have, so far, turned out super-fantastically! I had Ecology which didn't have an exam (therefore the best course ever) and got a 76! It was my first third-year course ever and I kicked its bum. Take that, course bum! *kick* See? Kicking. I get my marks for the other three back in January-or-so, so I'll letchya know what happens. I'm hoping for two A's and two B's, but who knows.

That was a question. I'd like to know who knows that so I can go find him. ..well?

Hah, I kid, I kid. ...

I kind of like a boy. We met not long ago, seemed to get along really well, but I really have no idea how he feels about me. I guess I'm not "supposed" to know how he feels, but I really don't and it is murdering me a million. To be quite honest, I've been single for so long that I wouldn't feel upset if he didn't like me. I mean, I haven't been on a guy that I've been ga-ga (Who the fark made up this saying? You become a retarded baby when you like someone? Dumb saying-people.) over for an extremely long time. I almost forget what it feels like, with the whole butterflies and excitement and all that. Oh well - I'll buy a cat. Eventually.

I trek back home to Ontario for Christmas on the 18th and I can't wait. Like, seriously, I can't. I'm making a time machine to get rid of the waiting. Well, by time machine, I mean martini, and by the waiting, I mean consciousness. Anywho, I'm gonna see all my peeps, have a par-tay, visiting the fam, all that cool cat stuff. One big thing I might do is come out to my brother. *gasp* I think I just swallowed my tongue thinking about it. I mean, I haven't came out to anyone in my family, even though I suspect a bunch of them know but are in extreme familyish denial. My brother is in his first year of university and I don't talk to him much, but we get along so well. I think he'd hardly react - maybe like an "oh." and then move on. I just want to tell someone in my family, and there's no time like the present. I figure if I tell him this Christmas, by next Christmas everyone will know, either by it slipping out or by me having the confidence to tell more people. I figure since I'm ridiculously single now, by the time I do find a guy, my family will be prepared. Hopefully. Oh, and hopefully my parents' heads don't explode twenty times when they do find out. That would be ever so messy.

I want my mom to call so that I can tell her my amazing marks! It's really cool actually - she went from "You're dumb. Just get a job." to "Wow, you're actually smart again." I enjoy that. Not so much the "again" bit, but I'll take what I can get.

Well, I should probably go study something. Less than 24 hours of the semester left! *dies of excitement*

Kidding! Still alive! Bye!



Blogger Maya said...

Remember how I said I needed to know from Mike whether he liked me back or not cuz it was driving me insane? =P Now you understand again as well.

11:22 PM  

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