
Boom Boom Ba

I miss.

.random car-ventures with Leanne around the GTA.

.going to a random concert because I thought the guy singing was hot.

.getting my mom to drive me to a concert with my boyfriend.

.the excitement of overtly hiding my boyfriend from my mom.

.thinking my dad was the most impressive person I would ever know.

.having my laundry done by my mom, somehow wrinkle-free.

.laughing until my sides hurt with Athena.

.or Lilly.

.or anybody. I guess I laugh a lot.

.wanting to DDR so badly so I could get better and compete with Heidi.

.dancing in-sync to Holic with Heidi.

.feeling accomplished.

.not wondering if the future will pan out.

.Assam tea by President's Choice.

.that drink Orbitz with the floaty balls in it.

.wondering how the hell they just float there.

.doing something different with Sarah every time I saw her.

.recording an awesome radio show with my friend Lindsay on my new computer, complete with Windows 95.

.seeing Babel or Amelie or Memento for the first time.

.the way my grandma would lay beside me until I fell asleep every night.

.running through Mohawk Park with my Nana.

.the way Natalie would get excited about my life, no matter what I was telling her.

.figuring out what the hell Craig was saying with his British accent.

.figuring out why men were so strange and overtly gay at Rendez-vous.

.having the bus stop directly across from my house.

.knowing Kitty was at the end of my bed every night, protecting me.

.a lot of things.


The sun needs to come out now.


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