

Yo peeps.

So I'm chillaxing in the library again. This time I'm alone in this tiny little room on the fourth floor. It has no ceiling, so anything I do is echoing through the entire floor, which is so quiet, I can hear people pulling books off the shelves. No joke.

Today's been kind of a bad day. I spent the night at Michael's which is a normal occurrence but last night was so strange. I got drunk off whiskey and coke (Never drink those. They made me insane, or insaner.. something.) and then got into it with Michael over gay marriage. He believes that gay marriage should not be legal and that homosexuals should be trying to abolish marriage as a central social institution rather than conforming to marriage. Something like that. I, obviously, am very for marriage, as I talk about my wedding and my "husband" all the time. I was very drunk, and although the night remains very blurry, I remember abruptly ending the conversation by saying "I'm done talking about this" and rolling over.

I think him and I are just parting ways. I mean, we're going to when he moves in just over a week, but I think we're doing it earlier. As in basically now. We have a lot of fun together, but something isn't right. It was great dating him and having someone there for a while but I am well aware that we aren't "meant to be". I'm having conflicting emotions over the entire situation and am not sure if I'll see him again after today at all. I don't know what he's thinking, however I know non-positive thoughts are in his head of me as well. Then again, I do think he's great and I love discussing issues with him, so it's not really that that is pushing me away. I dunno.

Then, to make things all the more interesting, I can't stop thinking of one of my exes. He's just there, sitting in my brain, even while I was drunk and lying in bed with Michael. He pops up (in my mind) every month or two, or longer if things are particularly smooth-sailing. Probably not super healthy, but I'm sure it will go away once life shifts a little bit.

Hah! I just had a sneezing fit. I'm sure the entire floor just heard that. That's what you get for dropping that book a half-hour ago, fourth floor. That's what you get.

On top of the boy-weirdness, my book bag broke, so now I have to carry it around, rather than slinging it over my shoulder (like a continental soldier). I can't wait 'til I start work and have some extra dough so I can buy whatever the hell. Whatever the hell indeed.

Why do old men grow their beards out so they're like a foot long and all gray and fuzzy and nasty? Are their chins really that cold? Do they store food in there? Money? Pets? Stationary? Miniature societies?

Um, I'm sitting beside a window, overlooking some other buildings and a parking lot, and some gray-haired woman is walking and talking with another woman, pointing to my window. Creepy much?

I should be working on an essay I have due on Thursday, but I forgot Hamlet at home. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

The end!


EDIT: So, because I'm the winner that I am, I just looked in my bag to find a pen, and found Hamlet. I've wasted the last two hours doing nothing because I "forgot" it, when really, it was crying out to me from my broken bookbag the entire time. I could do an hour of essaying before class, but, nah.


Blogger Liz said...

So that whole "abolish marriage" thing? Michael can suck it. Don't try to ruin marriage for everyone else just because you can't legally do it in all 50 states. I'm all for gay marriage. I think marriage is a wonderful thing and everyone should have the right to be married to whomever they choose.

I hope you get married one day, Jam. I think you'll make a wonderful husband to your, uh, husband. Is it husband and husband? Doesn't matter. You'd make a great married-person. :)

7:42 PM  
Blogger Jam said...

You're absolutely right, Liz. I would make an amazing husband. I'm waiting to find that guy so that him and I can become the couple that everyone else envies. It'll happen - wait for it.

As for the abolition of marriage, it's an interesting concept and it comes down to a lot more than just trying to "ruin" marriage. I don't agree with Michael by any means, but in seeing divorce rates and the debate over gay (and other) marriage in present day, it is a more valid opinion today than it was fifty years ago for marriage to not be the central social institution in society. That being said, I freaking love marriage, I will have a ginormous wedding, and I will be a happily married dude for a long time. In order for someone to actually believe that marriage should be obliterated takes a certain amount of naivety, I think. Michael's so intelligent and well-read, but for him to not get that marriage can never be completely rid of is strange.

Last thing, it is husband and husband, although I have no idea what it would be to our kids? Dad and daddy? Dad and father? No clue. I guess I have time to figure it out.

8:47 PM  

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