
Never Look Back

Hey dudes and dudettes. You're all totally rad.

My spell check thing underlined "dudettes" and not "dudes". The world is a cruel place.

Anywho, I'm seem to be going through a lot lately, without actually doing much. First off, the job hunt has basically ceased. I had an interview on Friday with another Scotiabank. It went unbelievably well - two very laid back Newfie women basically just had a long conversation with me about my past bank experiences, my personality and interests, and about whatever just popped into their heads. It was probably the best interview I've ever had, so that's always a bonus. I find out soon if I got the job, but I can't imagine that I didn't. On top of that, I have an interview tomorrow at a fancy shmancy restaurant downtown for an assistant waiter position. I'm really hoping on this one because I could keep it through the year, evenings and weekends, and I'd imagine I'd get paid quite well, with tips and all at a fancy restaurant. So, yay! I'm so happy the job thing is finally going my way, because those curtains that I mentioned earlier already had some BBQ sauce on them.

Aside from that, I've made a decision to stop using MSN Messenger, among other things, such as Gay.com, Myspace, Facebook, Faceparty, etc. I'm leaving it all behind. A lot of people don't get it and have been asking me why, so allow me to explain. I'm wasting away my life on MSN. I have so many inane conversations with people daily that it is driving me insane. People, including myself, just hop on their computers, wedge themselves into their chairs or other seating devices, and chat to anyone who will listen. Chat about TV, the weather, guys, whatever. It's just so silly and I am growing to the point where I want to talk on the phone or in person rather than wait for a friend to come online so I can ask him via text whether he wants to go for coffee. It's ridiculous, so I'm doing away with it.

Now, I know all of you in Ontario are thinking "Oh good lord, no! We'll never talk to Jam again!" and are climbing up onto bridge ledges, scrunching up your faces in preparation for the jump. Unscrunch, my dear Ontarians. Unscrunch. I'll be emailing a lot more, as I think people appreciate receiving them a lot more than they appreciate a five second instant message. I'll also be blogging like there's no tomorrow, so you can always stay updated via.. right here.

This brings me to my next fun, progressive point. I'm going to revamp Jam's Blog! *cheers* Calm down, calm down. I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do yet, or when it's going to be implemented, but trust me - it is coming. Now you may cheer.

Lastly, I thought I should put some boy crap in here, as that stuff has been happening a bit lately. I've been spending time with Michael this week and things seem alright. I feel differently about him than I did a month or two ago. I've put up a shield so I don't get attached, so we're just hanging out, and basically dating without "dating". I'll do a full post about it later when I'm more boy-dramatic, but for now, I'm just having some fun and taking it one step at a time.

And that's our program for today! Tune in next time for Jam... naked!

HAHA! I'm SO kidding. Good god.

--Jam with clothes on


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