
Editing Mitsakes

I picked up the Memorial Muse yesterday. It's rather thin these days, but I guess that's due to the summer lull.

The front page story was about the lack of exploration of abandoned buildings. Hardly relevant to anything, but whatever. St. John's isn't exactly fast-paced. The first half of the article is dedicated to thoroughly describing the decaying ruins of an old hospital. This is news, people. Sorry, wrong punctuation. I meant to say: this is news, people? The first sentence to break into reporting anything factual says that "there was group called the.." There was group? Me fail English?

I can't believe that a paper, no matter how small, could use an article so uninteresting, irrelevant, and on top of that, grammatically incorrect, especially for the front page.

Many people have suggested that I try out for the paper, write articles, all that fun stuff. I, however, have standards, and those include not ruining my reputation by writing for this paper before I even have a reputation. This paper is known for spelling mistakes, crosswords that are missing entire rows of boxes, and comics that stand to be disgusting and pathetic. At least pathetic is funny on some level.

I'm aware that I make mistakes on my blog all the time. The difference, however, is that I am writing this on a whim, finishing one of my "articles" in a matter of minutes. I have no one to edit this before I post it. The Muse does, or at least the Muse should. It's a disgrace for a school well-known for English and the Arts to have a paper as ridiculous and embarrassing as this.

So, to all of you out there who go to Brock, my former stomping ground, be proud of the Brock Press. Surprisingly, it's something to be proud of.



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