
Late Nights with Early Mornings

Howdy Folks!

So it's 12.30 and I'm not really sure why instead of going to bed I'm posting. Who knows what goes on in that brain of mine? Not me!

So I read in the good ol' Brantford Expositor that the movie review guy gave Open Water (see my previous post) four stars out of a possible five!.. so apparantly they gave him a different showing of a different movie, because he talked about how the dialogue was great and the acting was top notch.

All I can say about this review is "only in Brantford". Only in Brantford could some two-bit hack get a job at a paper and give good reviews to movies like this. He also gave The Village a bad review, which is because he didn't understand the plot obviously. Only 10 more days in this city. Only 10 more days.

Two days left of work (thank Jebus). I'm so excited to just rest and go camping with Steve and Kev and just have a good time without worrying about work. This will be the first time I will not be working in almost 4 years. Can we say that's INSANE because I'm only 19 and have went through 4 jobs? Like whoa.

Anyways bedtime for this Jam.

--Jam (haha I just said that!)

You should hear: Striptease by Hawksley Workman, and Ordinary by Train
You should see: Open Water (haha just kidding)

**I'm adding a new li'l thing at the end of every personal post, if someone's making me super happy or doing a good job as a good Jam friend, then I'll mention them!**

My hero today: Steph, for being such a good friend in the tough times! Luv ya hun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Steph, ur hero for the day! Jamesssss ur the greatest! I love this new hero posting that u'll be doing...and im honoured to be ur first, Hero Of The Day! can u make me one of those ribbons that ppl win at dog shows and horse shows...the ones that say first place?? But, instead, it shall say, Hero Of The Day! That sounds like a plan, I expect one the first day of school! But ya, since I dont have a Blog, I must post Anonymously...so pretend that i didnt write my name at the beginning, and that all this jibberish really isnt here!
My Hero For The Day: JAMESSSSS
Luv ya hun!!
~AnOnYmOuS~ (who could it be????)
...and i hope ur talking about etobicoke steph for being a good friend...cuz if not, i just made a COMPLETE ASS of myself... :S

4:56 AM  

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