
To Settle is to Fail

Hey Peeps,

Just finished an awesome essay if I do say so myself. It's written on the importance of narration in Poe's The Cask of Amontillado. You should read it (not the essay, the story, unless you wanna read the essay.. then I guess I can send it to you).

So I had a lengthly discussion with Athena about how we're worried where school is taking us. She's much more worried than I am, to the point where she wants to leave the country or something. I agree with her that I am dissatisfied with the fact that I am apathetic in school and have not accomplished a whole lot thus far, but I think I'm on the right path. If I'm not, then maybe I should change paths? Maybe I should go for film direction like I had planned. If so, I'd have to change schools. And what if I didn't get into a good film school, or I didn't get a job afterwards and it was all a waste? It's all so complicated.

So I'm going home this weekend. I'm going to see Lindsay, and I'm SO excited I could hurl. We're gonna have a good ol' Jam/Linss weekend and it should be a blast! I'm going to visit my highschool on Monday and discuss what I should do, with my old teachers, whom I respect greatly. Hopefully one of 'em will give me some good advice.

On a side note, one of my best buds Di is going thru some b-s that she shouldn't be, and I feel bad leaving her this weekend. She reads this, and she knows I would stay if I could, and she's a trooper. She'll make it thru, and then we'll DDR when I get back and everything will be peachy. Or as peachy as things get these days! :)

So I won't be blogging this weekend (I know you're disappointed), but I'll be back late Monday for all your enjoyment! Wish me luck!

Luv ya'll!


Listen to: The ENTIRE new Frou Frou album. It's amazing music and it's very moving. I haven't heard something this innovative and incredible in a long time.

My hero today: Athena, for making me laugh 'til my gut hurt. "MISTH STHEVENSTH!".. "Dad, do-you-know-where-you're-go-ing? *twitch*" LOL HAHA oh man it's so great.


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