
Searching for Denouement

Hey Peoples!

So I figure hardly anyone will know what denouement means, so I'll tell you! It means "The outcome of a complex sequence of events." So hopefully some of you are saying to yourselves that I'm a freak for knowing that, and hopefully others are saying "James and his stupid word-a-days that come in his email."

So first of all, the problems for which I seek resolution:

1. Apathy

As I've written about before, I've become very apathetic. I find it hard to concentrate and work diligently on a task, unless I'm in a working mood, or something is due the next day. I would like to get work done ahead of time, but it just does not seem to happen.

2. Single..ness

I know I've only been single for like two weeks or something, but my problem isn't actually that I am single, it's that I like someone who does not know it, and it's driving me insane. He's a great person, but I don't think he really knows I'm around and that I feel this way.

Anyways, I am searching for denouement for both these problems, which will most likely come at Christmas. Christmas seems to cleanse my soul and I always try to have a new start after New Years. I have terrific classes next semester, and am extremely excited towards them. I'm also going to tell this person how I feel over the break, if I can. If not, I may tell him sooner, but I'd like to wait a little while, and get up enough nerve to do it properly. Hopefully it will all work out, but somehow I don't see the phrase I wish to hear in my future; rather, I see the phrase "we should just be friends" in my future. My life story.

Well, hopefully denouement is in the near future, and the climax will not be as dramatic as I learned in OAC English.



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