
The True Meaning of Fantasia

Hey Peoples,

So my roomies Heather and Nat went to a Fantasia party last night. I'd imagine about half of you are saying "what the hell is that", since I did, and so did Athena, and I'd imagine Heidi would as well, and all of my male friends.

I would have thought a Fantasia party was a lame grouping of the lame where people watch the Fantasia movies (if you're not familiar, the Fantasia movies are a lame collaboration of different crazy animated scenes put to classical music by the one-and-only Disney). Unfortunately, I was ever so wrong. A Fantasia party is actually similar to a tupperware party. At a tupperware party, a bunch of middle-aged women get together to buy tupperware from a representative. Now you're probably thinking "oh, so at this party they buy Fantasia or Disney films" or something like that. You're wrong, and stupid.

At a Fantasia party, you buy sex toys. You play with and fiddle with and get explanations of SEX TOYS! LOL! I can't believe there's actually parties like that! Now, I suppose I don't have too much of a problem with the parties themselves, but come on, change the name. I'm sure Walt did not intend for his little Fantasia to be used in such a context! Does that mean that the famous Disney films could actually just be called "Sex Toys"? I don't think so.

Crazy women. First the vote and now this! (lol I'm joking, don't send me angry fema-nazi emails about how I'm a chauvanist pig, which I am)


My heroes of today: Nat and Heather, for leaving me an INSANE note outside my door, utilizing paper AND masking tape. They woke me up while writing it, but that's okay. Just don't do it again, or my alarm may just go off while my door's locked and I'm out! lol

PS - I dyed my hair blonde! I'm so excited and sexy and fine!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay I got to be your hero! Lol wait 'till u see our penis pens they rock haha. And I can't promise anything about future masking tape notes. :P

9:34 AM  
Blogger Paixão said...

dearest james, have i not told u about these fantasia parties? ive actually had one! lol i must say they are really tons of fun. blame our little jen for messin with my little brain hehe. she took me to one in niagara falls, and from there i booked mine. the first half of it is all about lingere and lotions and potions then the other is all about the toys lol. nothin but laughs. but i do agree with u on the disney thing. but as people say there are hidden messages in those disney films so maybe it does mean sex toys? lol who knows... anyways i have to get back to hot cae. lol

12:48 PM  

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