
The Rain, The Dark, & Noah's Ark

Well howdy! Funny meetin' you here! Boy howdy!

...yeah, so onto the bloggorama.

The Rain
Athena and I decided to go to the mall yesterday. She had to hand in a resume at the glamorous Post Office, and I had to get some pants hemmed. Ya know, the standard mall trip.We were waiting for the bus and it was so hot that birds were falling from the sky and cars were melting. We both saw huge clouds coming our way, and both commented on the fact that we should go get our umbrellas, but chose to watch an overweight girl jog and nearly break her hip instead (it was grand fun). So we eventually boarded the bus and had a carefree trip to the mall. Meanwhile, the evil clouds from hell snuck closer and closer to the mall, waiting to attack!

..*ahem* So on Glendale (near the mall), it starts to pour. Now, I'm not talking a lot of raindrops, I'm talking waves of rain from the sky. We ran from the bus to the mall, only to arrive soaked, dripping, and looking like crazy pool hoppers. We immediately headed for Zellers to buy a towel.

The Dark
Once we got into the lower level of Zellers, once we've found the towels and are happy as pigs in.. umm.. jello.. the power goes out. We're in the basement of a store and the power goes out. ... How cool is that? lol! It was so creepy, but so crazy cool. We couldn't buy our towel, but it was still creepy and fun, and in hindsight, I should have stolen something. *shrug*

Noah's Ark
Then, since the streets were flooded, we took Noah's Ark home.

Tee hee, just kidding, you gullible fool, you!

What else is new? Hrmm.. talking to a new boy. He's like an hour away, which is extremely annoying, but he's so hot and nice that I keep talking to him. :)

Oops. He reads this, so we must keep it on the down low. Hush puppies!

He sent me the new Paris Hilton song (lol I know I know). It's actually REALLY catchy and very fun. Reminds me a lot of Geri Halliwell, who we all know and love. *shakes fist* You damn-well better love her!

Well I guess that about sums it up. Stuff is boring lately, so I need some new interesting stuff. Got stuff?

--Jam, without the extra stuff.


Blogger Paixão said...

You should of used the towel and put it back, no one would of noticed... or stolen the towel? And a chocolate bar on the way out. Or maybe! even a a lawn mower!

4:14 PM  

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