
The World, From Above

Evenin', you lovable thang, you.

So a short li'l post before bed. Had a rather uneventful day. Woke up late, played some DDR, watched Road Trip with Seann William Scott (good god, no one should be that hot), went to Rob's for some birthday cheesecake, came home, talked to a cute boy, and that's about it.

I was thinking today, in the midst of my busy schedule, of how different I've been thinking recently. I mean a few months ago I was much more down about things, due to the circumstances. But now, I was just looking in the mirror today (damn narcissism), and I realized that oh my god, I'm a freaking amazing person. I mean I knew that already (damn narcissism), but just as a person. I dunno, this all sounded better in my head.

Talked to hot boy on the phone today again. He was telling me he DJ'd last night and actually played "Atlantis", the track I made and make everyone listen to! How crazy is that!? He said it went over well, so hey, I'm not complaining! A brush with fame is better than no brush at all.

Chatted to a new guy tonight who seems really nice. He's hot too, but since I've named the other boy "hot boy", we'll call this one "tall boy", since he's one inch taller than hot boy. These guys, at 6'2 and 6'3, must be able to see things I couldn't even imagine. I wonder if the air is thinner up there? Do birds land on them? Do they need blinking lights to warn planes?

...so many questions, so little time.

--Jam, from below

Listen to: At The End by Iio. They did Rapture as well, which was a killer track. At The End is just as good. They kick super music butt!

Watch: Road Trip. Seann William Scott orgas.. I mean.. smiles in it. What more do you need?

PS - I MISS HEIDI! *cries* About a month left.. I can do it. I can do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about me!!! :'(

9:13 PM  
Blogger Jam said...

I miss you too, hun. I've seen you more recently than Di, that's all :) *muah*

11:33 PM  

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