
The Art of Noise

Howdy fandom!

Well I haven't posted all week! Crazy, I know. I think that last week of posting everyday kind of pooped me out. What kind of saying is that anyways? "Pooped out"? It's actually very disgusting lol. Like, when you have poop, why would you have more energy? If my poop is out, I would assume I'm lighter and would have more energy?

Anywho.. a bunch of stuff:

First off, I'm obsessed with YouTube. For those of you not in the know, it's a site where people can upload videos on, well, anything! I'm especially a fan of this girl Brookers. She does just random crap, but some of it is so hilarious and I wish I was her lol. Just from her online videos because she was so popular, she got a contract with the Carson Daly show and is going to be doing segments on the show. How amazing is that? I need to get started on some big life plan thing so that I can be cool like her too. Deal? Deal.

Hmmm what else you say? Well, hold onto your hats or your hair or your scalp, 'cause here it comes! My cat rocks! lol.. hmm what else can I actually talk about. OH! The Art of Noise, apparantly big in the 80's, came on my Pandora and they're freaking amazing! It's like techy ambience music and it's so fun! Try to find something of theirs if you can. It's superfantastic!

So You Think You Can Dance is my absolute favourite show ever now! It's so amazing the things these people can do! I've decided I will finally take the plunge and jump into dance this fall at Memorial, providing they have dance classes available. Nat's supposed to come show me some basic steps, but she's a slacker, so I'll have to stay on her case. (PS: I want hair like Trevor on this show.. mm)

I finally choose my courses for school in a couple weeks. I can't believe how late they leave it. All I can say is that I had better get the courses I want or else Jam will be openin' a can o' whoopass and apostrophes on their tooshies. My new roomie's MSN said something along the lines of that she's going out to party this weekend, so I'm glad she's not a homebody and she does get drunk. Sounds like we'll get along juuuuust fine.

I've started writing a new story. My juices finally started flowing one day when I was just talking online. It's kind of a broken love story between two men (why not write about something I know? lol) and I think it'll be pretty good. My goal is to have something published by the time I'm done school in three years. It'll help with my loans and everything and I'm doing it. I'm going to force myself to write instead of playing games or watching TV. If I ever find myself watching TV for no reason, I'm going to slap myself and go write. Well, maybe not physically slap myself, but I'll get up all the same. Slapping hurts.

There's a debate on K2XL about religion. Whoever thought that it would be a great idea to just bring up religion for debate is a moron. The atheists are attacking the Christians with Big Bang, the Christians are attacking the atheists with very shallow points, and I'm kind of in the middle since I'm neither. Some people didn't even know what agnosticism was, so I had to calmly explain what it was. One guy is even trying to say that there is concrete evidence that the Big Bang occurred. *sigh* It just hurts my brain. I don't care if someone believes in either, but I mean don't say the other is "wrong". That's why I love being agnostic because I can step back and call them all pushy and annoying. LOL!

So I was trying to come up with a name for a character in the story I'm writing, so I went onto a names site with Leanne. Apparantly her name means "gracious plum" hahahaha! Ohhhh my. Mine, although I've read in countless places that it meant "leader", it now means "supplanter", which is one who is a leader, but usurped the leader before me.

Just wonderful lol. That's all for today kiddlies!

--Jam the Usurper *watch out!*

Listen to: Unfaithful by Rihanna.


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