
The Publishing Gods Taunt Me

Howdy doodies.

So it's 4am, I know. I've been up reading articles and websites on how to find a literary agent, how to get a book successfully published, etc. My brain is on full-crazy-thinky mode now. I even found a publisher, Publish America, that I think is a total scam. It's absolutely gigantic, and I'm sure it pays the authors royalties and stuff so it seems legit, but under careful investigation, I found on their message board that the successful writers who get their works published through PA can't even track their sales! They get figures every six months or something insane like that, and PA could easily be altering them. INSANE!

Anywho, I'm making a pledge to myself that from now on, I will work on my writing five times a week, and I'll have something finished and ready to send out by December. Deal, self? Deal.

..or no deal? Haha, silly Howie. Does anyone still watch that show? It got old fast for me. And now bed.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No deal!

2:43 PM  

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