
Needing an Umbrella

Bad morning, you crazy kids.

Yesterday, while I was lying in bed, watching Sex and the City, enjoying my last night on Cumberland, I started to get sick. It was the weirdest phenomenon ever. I had realized that this condition called Nasal Drip had came back (boy howdy, I'm sexy), but while I was lying in bed, my whole body started to ache. I felt really dizzy and by midnight I had cold sweats.

My night was anything but pleasant. I kept waking up, basically delirious. Now I'm sitting in bed, head pounding along with the rest of my body, including my teeth and hair, wondering if I can make it to the walk-in on my own. It's raining and I feel extremely weak, so I don't really want to chance it..

My aunt is taking me and my stuff over to my new place at 7pm, so I have to get it all together, and then maybe bug her to take me over to the doc. What a terrible day to get sick. A day I need to get so much done, when all I feel like doing is sleeping and watching more Sex and the City.

Well I'm going to go take a bath. Sorry the last post of April wasn't very exciting. Go write in your own blog. That would be more interesting.

--Jam the Sicky

PS: Listen to "Umbrella" by Rihanna. The lyrics are ridiculous. The video is uninspired. The song is so catchy. Go now.


Blogger No Rhetoric said...

Boy, am I ever glad they added a 'dacing-nude-covered-in-silver-body-paint' sequence to that video. It really picked the whole thing up.

6:47 PM  

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