

Evening, you crazy kids.

So, my brain is on vacation lately. After the dating thing, my spirits kinda dropped. I was really upset for a couple days, not just over the loss of a great guy (or the prospect of a great guy), but over the loss of my will to date.

Have you ever seen those old cartoons where there's, like, a coyote chasing a rabbit, and they're running and running past the same things in the background, and then the camera zooms out and they realize they're running on a treadmill. Crazy animals. Anyway, I feel like I've been running on that treadmill for so long, never realizing how to get off. I think I'm finally ready to get off now. Whether that means I'll finally find a relationship or I've made it to the point where I can be truly independent, I know that something is changing. I vow that Michael will be the last man to hurt me like that. I may get hurt again, but I will not be playing by the other guy's rules any longer. The treadmill's gone, fellas.

Speaking of changes, I've been watching a show called The 4400 online, catching up. It was amazing in its first season, but by the third season, half the original cast is gone, the plot has changed significantly, and it just seems so different. I guess that's the way shows go. It happened to Lost, even to Survivor, but with The 4400, I feel like it's gone in the wrong direction. Hopefully it veers the right way soon.

Well, time to change my sleep pattern and go to bed before 5am. Night world.



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