
The Potential Break-Up Song

Well, fancy seeing you here!

I start my new job in nine hours. I suppose I should go to bed soon, but my mind is going eighty miles a minute.

First off (so we can get it out of the way, once and for all), Michael is finally just toast. By toast, I mean gone, not bread. And by gone, I mean out of the picture, not physically gone; that happens on Wednesday. We went for lunch/coffee something the other day, and he needed to work on his thesis again, which is completely okay. I respect that he's dedicated and I understand he needs to get work done. I suggested he stay at my place that night, and he said he had to work and wouldn't be able to, as if it was such an outrageous request for me to suggest at all. At that moment, something in me snapped into place, something that should have snapped a while back when he was treating me like dirt. I just got my stuff, said "Good luck with it" (which could apply to anything - I'm so clever), and left. I deleted him from my phone, my email, from any way that I could possibly get in touch with him or remember him fondly in any way. Now, to find another summer fling. ...anyone?

Last night, I experienced my first beer-drunk, and let me tell you, it was not pleasant. Why do people get drunk off of beer if it feels like that? I was dizzy and slurry and ridiculous. I'll stick to liquor, thank you very much. Today, while I was sleepy and shaking off my beerness, I vegged out all day. Read some of Wicked, downloaded a new game, watched some TV; it was quite relaxing. On a side note, CBC gave me the worst and best of TV today. An animated horse movie called "Spirit" came on first. If anyone has seen that movie and survived, I'd imagine they would agree with me in saying "What the fark was that?" It was like a big-budget-but-artsy animated flick. The horses just neighed a lot and ran around, the native guy jumped up and down and shrieked, the bad white people yelled and shot their guns: classic. Oh, and horses can smile now, by the way. Even though they can't talk, they can have facial expressions and many human qualities. Good ol' accurate animated films. DreamWorks, you're making us all proud. Neigh. After the horsies came a David Suzuki special on green living. It was retardedly interesting! There was a house made of hay, another made of dirt. There were even houses that had contraptions that produced their own energy! Solar panels, thermal-something heat, wind power. Groovy, baby! All-in-all, Al Gore would be proud of my television selections today.

As I said earlier, I start my job tomorrow. I have mixed emotions. I really don't want to spend the next two months working in a bank again, but at the same time, it will be nice to be on some sort of schedule and making money. The bank is way in the middle of nowhere, which is the huge downside, but hopefully I can transfer to the downtown branch next summer. I also got a call from a restaurant, so I have to call them back tomorrow. Cross all your fingers! ALL of them.

Today was Father's Day, and not only did Paul not receive anything from me, but my grandpa also had a heart attack. Um, what the hell? It was only a minor one. He's stable, actually quite bored, in the hospital, so everything's okay there. It's just odd, to say the least. I think anything to do with paternity in my family is just messed up. Paul hates my grandpa, I hate Paul, life goes on. "It's the way God intended!"

One more thing: update your blogs! With no MSN and no Facebook and no anything, I check blogs all the time. Like, three times a day. Maybe five. Liz, Julia, and Heidi are keeping up, but the rest of you need to hop on the bandwagon. All the cool kids are doing it. Don't you wanna be cool? Peer pressure! Peerpressurepeerpressure! Mwa ha. That's right.

"Wanna" didn't come up in my auto-spellcheck as incorrect, but "okay" did. Right.

--Jam is a real word.

Listen to: The Potential Break-Up Song by Aly & AJ


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG... so much going on right now, we HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO catch up SOON! I love your blog. I don't have one. I should just so we can communicate easier. lol
Good luck at your job!!! I hope you enjoy it better than you are anticipating...
AND good for you for being such a strong boy. Screw boys. Boys are stupid. You are not. YAY YOU!!
Talk soon. Love ya! *muah*

1:17 AM  
Blogger Jam said...

Was that Natalie who commented? It sounds very Nattish.

You anonymous people and your "anonymity". You guys can get accounts even if you're not gonna get blogs so that when you post, I know who's speaking, rather than this creepy Voice-of-God stuff, lol.

YAY ME! Hahaha!

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Gasp!* How did you know it was me? :P

6:58 PM  

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