
Bank Bang


So, I'm fuming. Not fuming like smelly fumes, but fuming like angry. Here's why:

At the bank, we're divided into teams so that we can give cash amongst each other and close as a team at the end of the night. Because there are about twelve tellers, we're divided into three teams of four people. My team hadn't been balancing, so when this happens, they start to break down the teams to try to filter out the person who is not doing their job correctly. While I know this isn't me, I have to go along with this so that they can determine that it's not me. Right now, I'm on "contra", which means that I don't have a team so they can check up on me and make sure it's not me. In order to do this, I have to close and balance five minutes early so that I can pass my cash onto another team so that they can count it and include it in their cash.

Now you know the back story. Here's what happened today:

I close at 4:25, like every other day. There are no customers when I close, but a couple show up while I'm closing. There are five tellers still open dealing with customers, so those in line should be gone in no time. I couldn't serve them even if I wanted to because I need to close.

I count all my cash, and as the last customer leaves, one of my coworkers comes over to me and says "Did -the supervisor- say you could close early?"

I reply, "No."

"Are you in until five?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"So am I, and I have to stay open until the last customer leaves."

"I've been told to close five minutes early because I'm on contra. I need to transfer my money to team one and get them to count it."

"Well you shouldn't be closing early."

What? "What? I need to close early so I can pass off my cash. -The Supervisor- told me to when she put me on contra."

"Well you don't stay 'til five every night, and I work right until five."

"I work until five."

"Not every night."

The nights I leave early are because I've balanced, closed, and everything that needs to be done is finished. Everyone leaves earlier on those days. I leave earlier than other tellers by maybe thirty seconds because I don't have cash to take to the vault when I'm on contra.

I'm so sick of people sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong, being insensibly rude, and just being completely petty. I could have said to this particular person, who left before me today, that she leaves very early compared to some of the other tellers and everyone knows it. I could have told her that she complains throughout the day about how much life sucks and she's a depressing and negative person to be around. I could have told her to fuck off and mind her own business. ..but I didn't.

She apologizes tomorrow or I talk to my supervisor that I can't concentrate with people butting into my work. I normally would say that I shouldn't sink to her level, but ya know what, when someone is being outright rude and is telling me that I'm not working as hard as everyone else and that I get off early, they're pushing me too far. Unless you know for a fact that what I'm doing are the wrong procedures, which would be beyond my knowledge, then I don't want to hear a peep out of you.

And that my friends is my frustration of work. I ranted to Sherri's twin sister who was waiting for her outside and I think she got a little scared because I was so angry. Hahahaha.. ohh good times!

--The Angry Jam


Blogger Liz said...

As they say, it all washes out in the laundry. I'd ignore her and do as you darn well please. If she's the one slacking off or leaving earlier, no one will give her the time of day if she says anything about you.

5:45 PM  

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