
The Best and Worst Movies of 2005: #3

The Best Movies of 2005: #3

Aeon Flux

A woman searching for truth in the last civilization on Earth in the distant future joins an elite group of assassins determined to change the patterns of today. In attempting to assissinate the President, she realizes there is much more to the mysterious city than was originally thought.

Why I Chose It
In the last minutes of posting, I changed this film from it's position because it was just too amazing to ignore. It is single-handedly the best action film I have ever seen, and the storyline is so philosophical that it adds an edge I rarely see in a film, action or otherwise. Charlize plays a captivating character who, in above-Charlie's Angels-fashion, performs gymnastic moves I could hardly even imagine. The sets were the best I have seen in years; the same goes for the costumes. All in all, this movie compares to none and is a must see.

Possible Oscar Nominations
Best Art Direction
Best Cinematography
Best Costume Design
Best Visual Effects
Best Sound Editing

The Worst Movies of 2005: #3

King Kong

A crazy director travels with his crew to an uncharted island to shoot a movie. Once there, his lead actress is kidnapped by a tribe of crazies who give her to a big monkey. From there, they go in to save her, AND to capture the monkey of course! Then they take the monkey back to civilization where, oh no, all hell breaks lose! Crazy!

Why I Chose It
King Kong was horrible, and is extremely lucky to be #3 and not #1. The acting was awful, even by stars Watts and Brody. The direction lives up to Jackson's long-winded epics, only this one is NOT worthy of an oscar of any kind. The graphics in many places were as bad as in the 1933 classic. The "tear-jerker scenes" were long, boring, and giggle-worthy. I could go on, but it's not worth it.

On a side note, I don't understand why people even liked it. It was long, lacked plot and story, and wasn't even that visually stimulating. It definitely does not qualify, as movies should, as any type of art whatsoever.

Possible Oscar Nominations
Best Film Editing, I guess.

But NOTHING ELSE, for the love of Jebus!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think we should work on your spelling jam... assissinate? what the who?

okay, i'll admit that i didnt see either of these 2 movies, and ur review does make me mildly interested in watching aeon flux, but i dunno... honestly, you talk about her gymnastic moves, but you know that she doesnt actually do that - they have her on cables and trampolines and a whole bunch of fake things, so dont be all impressed with charlize :P

If you say it is a better movie than memoirs of a geisha (despite less oscar nominations lol) then i guess i'll have to see this one...


12:11 AM  

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