LegendThe_Bobbing_Cat: Me.
dominions: Crazy Nut.
Tiananl: Old nut trying to get into the pants of Crazy Nut.
chriscanuck_03: Random smart-ish guy.
rainbow_blue_20: Random.
Chill900: Random.
dominions: Why does moving back home have to be a real foot in the ass
please tell me!
tiananl: back home to newfoundland or back with parents?
rainbow_blue_20: newfoundland sux in the inter
rainbow_blue_20: lol
rainbow_blue_20: winter*
rainbow_blue_20: I can see why you wouldn't be excited to be back
tiananl: ya it does
nlprince: it does not suck all the time
tiananl: jst in the winter
nlprince: sometimes in the wonter
nlprince: winter
dominions: well guys this is it right..I came home to get away from all the
noise and the people that look so dead...I want a fresh start
and a good group of friends and see where it goes cause i am
tierd of all this oh your hot lets fuck and all that jazz
dominions: I want something i can really say is real not a hi and bye
tiananl: yup new frineds is what u need
dominions: and for those of you that don't know what that entails please
don't reply
nlprince: lol
dominions: cause there are lots of great guys out there that want
something that is real
dominions: not some fake ass living in someone elses shadow
dominions: that pisses me off for those of you that can't stand on your
own two feet
dominions: living in someone elses shadow
dominions: be a Man and own it
The_Bobbing_Cat: Who are you rambling to exactly?
tiananl: nice to see someone venting
tiananl: the ending is always the best
dominions: venting....Na ha hunny i'm offering wisdom here
dominions: something that can be learned by all
tiananl: ur 25. wisdom. u havent lived enough yet
dominions: there we go ignorance
chriscanuck_03: life experience can't be measured by a number, in my opinion
chriscanuck_03: some people have greater obstacles before them at birth than
some people will ever have in their lifetimes
dominions: thank-you
chriscanuck_03: so don't look at an age and think that the higher number the
greater the correlation with wisdom because i truly don't think
one exists
chriscanuck_03: just sayin'
The_Bobbing_Cat: I agree with Chris, but I also think it's strange that someone
comes in and rants and that's considered "wisdom".
dominions: well wisdom flows from your lips
chriscanuck_03: well, the difference is that I referred to it as life experience,
not as wisdom
The_Bobbing_Cat: Yeah, which it is.
chriscanuck_03: because when i think 'wisdom' i think old-man-in-the-rocker
dominions: that's so stereotypical
The_Bobbing_Cat: I think wisdom and I think someone with an educated
opinion, not an anger towards something, such as "those of
you who can't stand on their own two feet".
chriscanuck_03: well i guess that makes me stereotypical then
dominions: no
dominions: just realize Dai lay lama
dominions: very young
Chill900: Well we've always been told to listen to our elders. It doesn't
make you stereotypical but the imagery is self inflicted on
dominions: but i just want to have a good group of friends
dominions: and yes i am single i would love to go on a date with the right
The_Bobbing_Cat: And if you want something real, as you noted earlier, then
go get it, rather than bitching about the fact that there are gay
men in the world who just want to have sex.
dominions: RIGHT GUY
tiananl: a group of various aged friends
dominions: sure
nlprince: quite the chat goin here
dominions: as long as they are not like come here hunny may i feel you
chriscanuck_03: Dalai lama would be proud
dominions: damn right
dominions: only add me if you want something real
The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL! Why would you give your MSN out to the general chat
room? How do you possibly think that is going to land you "the
right guy"?
dominions: cause i have faith
tiananl: faith and advertising
dominions: well i work in marketing
tiananl: never hurts
dominions: lol
dominions: and anyways at least I can admit when i need reality and
there's nothing wrong in making the effort when it is the
thought that counts
dominions: heart's motive
The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL you can admit when you need reality?
The_Bobbing_Cat: What the hell does that even mean?
dominions: yeah
dominions: some people are not all hard inside
dominions: that they can't see what they really need
The_Bobbing_Cat: O.M.G.
The_Bobbing_Cat: What they need is what they deem they need, not what YOU
deem they need.
dominions: example...when you go to the club right....you get alot of
attitude like i'm better than you i wear
60000000000000000000 dollar clothes etc etc. I want to be the
tiananl: hi spiderman29
The_Bobbing_Cat: Then don't go to the club!
dominions: i never said anything about what someone else needs
dominions: i need
dominions: change
dominions: i am the opposite
dominions: we'll thanks for listening tune in next time at 5:00pm for the
latest from my life lol
The_Bobbing_Cat: ...oh lord.