
Cat Nut

The_Bobbing_Cat: Me.
Smirnoff_ice_boi: Some guy.
DontBeStupid: Some other guy.
Woody1: Another some guy.

There's a reference to a beer bottle. My picture on gay.com is me drinking a beer. Enjoy!


Smirnoff_ice_boi: mmm
DontBeStupid: woah
DontBeStupid: I always did like Cats
* DontBeStupid hides the drool
Woody1: I wish i were a beer bottle
DontBeStupid: you pervert
The_Bobbing_Cat: Hahhaah wow.
Woody1: hey, i'm not the one drooling, bitch! LOL
DontBeStupid: never you mind what I'd doing !
DontBeStupid: :P
Woody1: fine :-)
* DontBeStupid pets the cat
DontBeStupid: :P
Woody1: too bad he's on the Rock right now
The_Bobbing_Cat: ...please don't, lol.

Then DontBeStupid messaged me privately and asked me if I wanted any catnip.

--Jam doesn't want any catnip.



Sometimes I sleep with a stuffed animal, just for fun.

Sometimes I'll ride around on the bus, transferring from here to there, reading a good novel. I get a lot of reading done of the bus!

Sometimes the people on the bus drive me insane. ...okay, all the time.

Sometimes I get pregnant-woman-type-cravings. Yesterday it was honey-dew melon. This morning, I could really go for some orange pop and bacon. Not in the same dish, but probably at the same time.

Sometimes I dream about my future life somewhere fabulous with fabulous friends and fabulous parties and fabulous money with fabulous clothes. I hope I end up fabulous.

Sometimes I arrive at the school gym and turn around and go home.

Sometimes I fall for a guy who I hardly know. I imagine what he should be like and what we could be. The guy could be anyone -- it doesn't really matter. I just envision the perfect man in a random guy every two weeks-or-so.

Sometimes I regret having regrets.

Sometimes I rant to myself when there's no one around to rant to.

Sometimes I wonder if the world conditioned me to be gay. (I'll have a post about this one soon.)

Sometimes books will all simultaneously fall off my desk for no apparent reason, thus freaking the crap out of me.

Sometimes I won't leave my room if I hear my roommates around in the house, simply because I don't want to deal with talking to them. It's not that I don't like them, it's that I have days where I don't want to talk out loud.

Sometimes I'll spray more than one cologne on myself to see if it'll smell better. Then I smell disgusting and go shower.

Sometimes I steal blog ideas from Marriage-101.



More Nuts, Please

The_Bobbing_Cat: Me.
dominions: Crazy Nut.
Tiananl: Old nut trying to get into the pants of Crazy Nut.
chriscanuck_03: Random smart-ish guy.
rainbow_blue_20: Random.
Chill900: Random.


dominions: Why does moving back home have to be a real foot in the ass
please tell me!
tiananl: back home to newfoundland or back with parents?
rainbow_blue_20: newfoundland sux in the inter
rainbow_blue_20: lol
rainbow_blue_20: winter*
rainbow_blue_20: I can see why you wouldn't be excited to be back
tiananl: ya it does
nlprince: it does not suck all the time
tiananl: jst in the winter
nlprince: sometimes in the wonter
nlprince: winter
dominions: well guys this is it right..I came home to get away from all the
noise and the people that look so dead...I want a fresh start
and a good group of friends and see where it goes cause i am
tierd of all this oh your hot lets fuck and all that jazz
dominions: I want something i can really say is real not a hi and bye
tiananl: yup new frineds is what u need
dominions: and for those of you that don't know what that entails please
don't reply
nlprince: lol
dominions: cause there are lots of great guys out there that want
something that is real
dominions: not some fake ass living in someone elses shadow
dominions: that pisses me off for those of you that can't stand on your
own two feet
dominions: living in someone elses shadow
dominions: be a Man and own it
The_Bobbing_Cat: Who are you rambling to exactly?
tiananl: nice to see someone venting
tiananl: the ending is always the best
dominions: venting....Na ha hunny i'm offering wisdom here
dominions: something that can be learned by all
tiananl: ur 25. wisdom. u havent lived enough yet
dominions: there we go ignorance
chriscanuck_03: life experience can't be measured by a number, in my opinion
chriscanuck_03: some people have greater obstacles before them at birth than
some people will ever have in their lifetimes
dominions: thank-you
chriscanuck_03: so don't look at an age and think that the higher number the
greater the correlation with wisdom because i truly don't think
one exists
chriscanuck_03: just sayin'
The_Bobbing_Cat: I agree with Chris, but I also think it's strange that someone
comes in and rants and that's considered "wisdom".
dominions: well wisdom flows from your lips
chriscanuck_03: well, the difference is that I referred to it as life experience,
not as wisdom
The_Bobbing_Cat: Yeah, which it is.
chriscanuck_03: because when i think 'wisdom' i think old-man-in-the-rocker
dominions: that's so stereotypical
The_Bobbing_Cat: I think wisdom and I think someone with an educated
opinion, not an anger towards something, such as "those of
you who can't stand on their own two feet".
chriscanuck_03: well i guess that makes me stereotypical then
dominions: no
dominions: just realize Dai lay lama
dominions: very young
Chill900: Well we've always been told to listen to our elders. It doesn't
make you stereotypical but the imagery is self inflicted on
dominions: but i just want to have a good group of friends
dominions: and yes i am single i would love to go on a date with the right
The_Bobbing_Cat: And if you want something real, as you noted earlier, then
go get it, rather than bitching about the fact that there are gay
men in the world who just want to have sex.
dominions: RIGHT GUY
tiananl: a group of various aged friends
dominions: sure
nlprince: quite the chat goin here
dominions: as long as they are not like come here hunny may i feel you
chriscanuck_03: Dalai lama would be proud
dominions: damn right
dominions: only add me if you want something real
The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL! Why would you give your MSN out to the general chat
room? How do you possibly think that is going to land you "the
right guy"?
dominions: cause i have faith
tiananl: faith and advertising
dominions: well i work in marketing
tiananl: never hurts
dominions: lol
dominions: and anyways at least I can admit when i need reality and
there's nothing wrong in making the effort when it is the
thought that counts
dominions: heart's motive
The_Bobbing_Cat: LOL you can admit when you need reality?
The_Bobbing_Cat: What the hell does that even mean?
dominions: yeah
dominions: some people are not all hard inside
dominions: that they can't see what they really need
The_Bobbing_Cat: O.M.G.
The_Bobbing_Cat: What they need is what they deem they need, not what YOU
deem they need.
dominions: example...when you go to the club right....you get alot of
attitude like i'm better than you i wear
60000000000000000000 dollar clothes etc etc. I want to be the
tiananl: hi spiderman29
The_Bobbing_Cat: Then don't go to the club!
dominions: i never said anything about what someone else needs
dominions: i need
dominions: change
dominions: i am the opposite
dominions: we'll thanks for listening tune in next time at 5:00pm for the
latest from my life lol
The_Bobbing_Cat: ...oh lord.





u r so gr8!!!!

Hey, peeps and peepettes!

Something has been bothering me lately. It has come to my attention that there are a very small select few people on the planet who understand how to properly use language. I can't speak for the French, the Chinese - but as for the English, we, the literate, are few and far between the illiterate, instant messaging masses.

I'm not saying I don't use instant messengers, write emails, or write on Facebook. I do all of these things, but I do my best to convey my thoughts without degrading my own show of intellect. I admit that I have been warped to an extent. I use "lol" and other words that have become socially acceptable (gonna, whatcha, as examples), and only in the last year have I begun to use complete punctuation in instant messaging. This reaction, however, was in response to the overwhelming ignorance that was propelled in my direction by the vast majority of people I chat to.

if we all talkd like this the world wud stop functining cause no one wud no wat were talkin bout.

If that sentence hurt your brain, then you're doing well. I'm surprised I didn't have an aneurysm writing it. Close call, but I'm a trooper.

The motivation behind writing this post comes in a friend's "short story" that he posted on Facebook. This friend is fairly new and has always been one of those people to chat using the least amount of characters possible, for fear that his fingers will fall off from the over-exertion required to type full words. Here is an excerpt:

"every day i hope for a good day but that has not happened in a while, i wonder why though. it has to me! i feel so worthless it has got to be me thats the center of the bulls eye pain. i think to myself again, "but what have i done to myself to feel this way", i try and try to find a rason.is it because i am ugly?or is it that i am so stupid to see the facts right there in front of me? . . . " do i really need to happy? do i deserve to be happy? or what have i done to deserve to be happy"? its true i deserve nothing!" . . . all i had to do is open my eyes to the real world not the world that i had dreamed of which was a perfet world with nothing but happieness and goodness all around. the dream world as i would call it,was not a world but just a meer imagination of what my high expectations wanted it to be. for thoughs who expect more out of the world im sorry for your pain, just accept the dissapointment that the world has to offer and you will be happy in your life."

Okay. Let's talk about the subject matter first. Emo. The story is about a page long and deals with what seems like emotional turmoil followed by resolve and then, somehow, advice. No, you do not need to happy. Past the subject matter, we have everything else. The spelling, the grammar (or lack thereof), the punctuation (or lack thereof), and the pain in my brain. There's plenty of the latter.

I could go on and on about the story itself, but what bothers me more were the comments. His friends, many of his friends, said the following:

"its amazing ! :) loveee <3"
"i am amazed and you should be so proud those words come from the heart that makes it even more beautiful sad but beautiful hugs great job"
"wow just wow this is amazing. i can't even begin to tell how much talent you have. ive read writings from famous scholars and they are inferior compared to your writing. this is just amazing you are insanely talented"

Okay. Deep breaths. Before I continue, I just want to say that in no way am I trying to say he should not write. I'm not saying that the words were not heartfelt or that his friends could feel his emotion in them. What I am saying is they are retarded morons for telling him he's amazing. Especially that last guy! The last one goes to university! What famous scholars has he been reading that are inferior to that? Excuse me - cereal boxes and Christmas cards do not count as famous scholars.

Anyway, I just think if someone is going to write, they should be able to use the language better than a chimp, and should have something to say. Finally, give criticism that will help the writer actually get better - don't tell them they're better than scholars because then he'll just keep doing it!

Dear Jebus.

--jam luvs u


The Singleventures

Hey everyone!

So I'm trying very hard to get back into blogging. It's not as easy as it seems once you've stopped. You ask yourself silly questions like "Is anyone actually reading this?", "Even if they are, do they care about my randomness?" I keep writing posts and then not putting them up because they seem so boring and dull. I know if I was reading them, I'd be like "Uh, Jam? Be unboring please. Thanks," followed by me switching to staring at a less-boring wall.

Anywho, I've been single for about a week-or-so now and I have to say I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes things just don't work out and after trying to stretch out the inevitable breakup, it feels good to be free and able to be entirely happy once again. I'm casually dating here and there and it's just a lot of fun. I never thought I'd be so satisfied with being single, but I really, really am.

I coming to the horribly self-absorbed realization that I'm actually kind of hot and guys take notice. Go figure? I think being in a relationship makes a person more attractive somehow. It's like you know that you're good enough to be with that last person who was hot and fun, so you exude more confidence. Mayhaps? I don't really know. All I know is I feel like I'm beating guys off with a stick lately. Ha - that sounds horribly dirty and strange, like forest porn or something.

Woodchucks, starring Ruff McBoner. "Watch as Ruff beats off guys with sticks and leaves in this new and tantalizing camping sexventure!" Hahaha! Oh my. If that exists, I'm sorry for humanity. And even more sorry for someone named Ruff McBoner.

I went to the gay bar on Saturday with my gorgeous friend Michelle. It was a much needed excursion, and I managed to go out and only spend $20. How amazing is that? I feel like normally when I go clubbing, $20 is the fee for leaving the house, and $20 more for going to the bathroom, because by the end of the night, I've taken out a line of credit just to get my cab home and owe loan sharks my molars.

While at the bar, I noticed this gorgeous short boy. By short, I really mean about an inch shorter than me, so I'm basically calling myself short. I don't know what it is about short guys that gets me going. I think it's that I enjoy being taller than guys or something? Just like how a straight guy likes being taller than his girlfriend maybe? I have no clue. All I know is if I see a short hot guy, I'm much more inclined to beat him off with a stick than a tall one.

I introduced myself after realizing that I had talked to him through Facebook earlier that day. We then proceeded to get a couple drinks, talk a little bit out in the rain, and dance like I've never danced before. I would imagine it was one part alcohol, one part singleness, one part me being into him, and one part him being into me, because we were dancing practically on top of one another. Normally I'm like "ew, skanky drunks!" but because it was me, I'll let it slide.

We danced and eventually made out a little on the dancefloor. Michelle, being the absolutely amazing friend that she is, danced with his friend and kept pushing me on. I love it when the friend I bring wants me to have a good time with guys rather than getting jealous. I've dealt with both and Michelle is by far one of the best people I've ever brought with me to a gay bar! Some girls are just meant to be fag hags I guess. I hate using that term, but society created it, not me, so deal.

At one point, Michelle and I lost track of the boy and his friend. We found them out front having a smoke, so we started taking pictures of one another. Ya know - drunk stuff. I noticed that there cop cars all over; seems like there was a brawl at a nearby club. One cruiser was parked directly in front of the club with the cop sitting in the car talking to a guy in the back. The boy then proceeds to drag me in front of the car so we could make out on the main street of downtown in front of the police. I'm not even kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up. Michelle has pictures, so I will definitely post them up. I mean, come on, that's freaking hot. In front of all the straight clubs and hundreds of random people downtown on a Saturday night, two little gay boys made out inches away from a cop car. I'd be impressed if I saw that, let alone was that.

Anyway, the night was amazing, and ended off with McDonald's and one of the boy's other friends hitting on me hardcore. I don't think his friend really understood or knew that I made out with him on Water Street, but whatever. I was nearly passed out in the car, so I let him hit on me while I half-napped.

I think I'm going to enjoy being single. I think I'm seeing the boy again this week, so hopefully there is much more to come. With him and others, lol.

--Jam, loving single life