The PartyMy birthday party was Saturday night, and what a great time it was! There were roughly twenty people there, most of which were trashed out of their minds *exactly what I wanted*. First we played Kings, which, for all you sheltered folk, is a drinking game that is unbelievably fun! If you are questioning why it's fun, just ask and I'll have another party to show you lol. We then proceeded to sing some karaoke (I even got Duncan, Brian, and Mike to sing! Drunk straight guys are hilarious! I want one for Xmas.), went for some walks and talked to other drunk people, had some lesbian action by drunk straight girls (ew), some gay action by myself and a certain drunk someone, and it was just SO great! If you didn't come, you're a loser, and missed a great time.. loser.
The JobNot much else has been going on lately besides the problems with my job. I have had problems in the past, but nothing to this magnitude. I have been getting no hours (six this week), and I was even left standing outside the office Tuesday morning because no one showed up. At all. Period. I'm going in later today to pick up last week's paycheque and to talk to them. They need to know they can't treat employees like this. I don't care if I know you or I don't, it doesn't give you the right to treat me like dirt. End of story.
The GrooveSo because I had not much money coming in, I decided to buy something (lol makes sense to me!). I had already bought In The Groove, so I went out and bought my very first dancemat (I'm a big boy now). It came with the new DDR Extreme, which is pure crap by the way. Anyways, it's feels so good to get back into dancing. I can already feel my calves tightening and I feel like I have more energy now that I'm getting a full cardio workout. (Note to Heidi: I can beat Pandemonium on Medium now! 75%!) I'm not getting the grades I used to, so I'm gonna have to KICK IT UP A NOTCH! (Emeril, don't sue me. I'm poor and much less annoying than you.)
The Ambition FairyI've been feeling really low with everything that's been going on lately. Couples are swarming me, one of my good friends is basing his entire life on his insano boyfriend, my job is falling apart, and I have hardly any friends in this city. After watching my reality TV last night (which was AMAZING btw), I found myself with so much energy and motivation to do something BIG. So I'm going to... somehow. It must have been the ambition fairy.. she's pals with the tooth fairy and comes by and smacks you upside the head with her little wand. I'm going to start off with trying to get something with the Hamilton Spectator. I'm going to volunteer and see if I can get my own opinion column or something of that nature. Following that, who knows. The world is my oyster, and I think I'm just starting to realize that. I apply to schools in a couple months (UBC, MUN, McGill, Carleton), and I couldn't be more excited to get out there and prove myself to everyone else, and to me.
So I'm gone for the weekend, back to to have Thanksgiving dinner with the fams. I might bring my DDR home so I have something to do besides killing people and dogs. Although kicking dogs always did look like fun in those Garfield cartoons.
--Jam, with steel-toed boots *tee hee*
Coming soon: Top
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