
The Last Before The Beginning

Well, I had a couple rants lined up, a couple things to say about the responses I've been getting to "Women, Cheese, and Whine", and about everything else under the sun (as I always have an opinion on). Instead, since I'm leaving for school two thousand miles away in two days, I'm going to do a recollection of sorts of what I will be leaving behind.

Home has been Southern Ontario for my entire life. I grew up in Brantford, lived out eighteen miserable-but-hilarious years there. I'll be leaving highschool friends that I see when I go home, that I have the option of inviting to parties, that I have more memories with than I can count. These people were my life and my support for over a dozen years, and in my move, they may distance themselves from me, unintentionally or otherwise. While I know I have to move on, it's been amazing to have the home-support that I've had from them.

The vast majority of my family lives within 50km of where I sit right now. Although I haven't exactly had the most Brady experiences with them, most of my family would be there for me whenever I needed help, and I'd say I would be there for them as well. I hope they know I'm not deserting them, but rather making myself more of a well-rounded person, and a person who can one day have a family of his own.

Real Life
I'm "regressing" back to school, away from a 9-5 life. I've lived and breathed a normal, very typical life for the last year, and in a small way I will miss it very much. Working alongside people everyday made them my family, and I am guaranteed to bawl like a schoolgirl on my last day, Thursday. Even though only one person from work reads this, they will all remain in my soul, as I have learned so much from them, and I only hope that my emotion written here is known and appreciated.

Real Family
I have a select few friends I have made over the past couple of years that have become more than family; they have become the best parts of me. I depend on these people for things, I know these people inside and out and vice-versa. They stay 'til the bitter end of everything, they support me, they trust me, they experience me, and they love me. They are the people I will regret leaving the most, and they are the people I am leaving for. They are the ones who push me to be a better person, and who know what potential I truly have. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for everything they have done, and I will never forget you.

Well, now that all that mushy gunk is done, I'll just say that I probably won't be posting until Saturday-Sunday-ish. Sorry for the lack of funny this post, but I had some sentimental crap to get off my chest. Got a shovel?

--Tear-jerker Jam

PS: Who commented on "J'accuse"? It sounds mean-spirited.. if it isn't, sorry. If it is, at least put your name. I can't rant if you won't say something worth ranting about.


Women, Cheese, & Whine

Well, I read a post on Schnozz's blog today on video games, and the fact that there aren't enough targeted to women. It got me thinking, it got me aggravated, and even though the majority of my fanbase is female..

Caution! Upcoming rant on: Feminism

I grew up in a woman's world. I was in enriched classes with five other guys and a seemingly endless army of girls. Before I knew what feminism was, and before I knew what the entire concept of a "man's world" was, I thought it seemed very one-sided. The women were going to rule the world, thought little Jam, and us men are at a disadvantage. Boy, was I wrong. Girl, was I? Throughout this rant, I'm going to bring up several points on feminism that I've collaborated over my twenty-one years as a masculist (there's not even a word for it, which I'll get to later).

First off, here are some things that I have been told by feminists in order to assault and convince me:

A teacher once told me that although there are plenty of male-only golf clubs around the world, there are zero female-only ones. Although I disbelieved this fact and would have loved to question her on her references for such a presumptuous statement, the real questions should be "do I care?", "how does this relate to feminism?", and "why do you care?". There are male-only golf clubs because men are definitely the dominant driving force in the sport, and men enjoy hanging around with other men, playing golf, smoking cigars, and whatever other stereotypical guy-things do at those clubs. Men enjoy these, men have opened these clubs for each other. The reason that there are no female-only golf clubs, if that ridiculous fact is true, is that no woman has ever opened one. How on earth does that prove a point about feminism? That proves that no woman has ever had the funding or motivation to open one. That's it.

Women have/need qualifiers, such as "chick-lit", "chick flick", and "strong female lead", whereas men do not have such qualifiers. I had never thought about this before because, wow, that's ridiculous. Men have the same qualifiers (strong male lead, guy movie, etc.), but the difference is that men do not care. I think the point that feminists miss is that women have qualifiers because they choose to acknowledge the fact that they exist.

For example, "chick-lit", a relatively unused term in my everyday life, nonetheless a specifically sexist term, refers to literature or reading material that only women read. The problem I have with this and many other terms is that feminists believe the term was brought out in a bad light, when really, it wasn't. There are certain books that women are definitely the prime readers of, such as romance novels, and yeah, I would refer to that as "chick-lit" if I said dumb things like that. Is it a man's fault that women read these books? Not one bit. Is it a man's fault that the term exists? Who cares. The term is taken in a bad light because feminists, for whatever reason, dislike being centred out.. or something. "Why is there no male equivalent for men's books?", you may ask. The answer is simply because there are no men's books besides filthy magazines! Therefore, the qualifier "chick-lit" is just to say that men don't read that type of book on a normal day, but women do. Don't use it if it bothers you, because you using it when it does bother you bothers me.

Video games are targeting men. There should be more games for women. No offense to Schnozz, because I do enjoy her blog, but I completely disagree with this point. I am a guy. I love the Sims and I could kick almost anyone's butt at DDR, but these are supposedly, beyond my knowledge, women's games, or games that women should play. Why? Why can't women play the zombie games? Why can't women play the raping games and the army games? Women don't like those games, but then again, neither do I. I love RPG's (Role Playing Games), puzzle games, and I loved the old systems. The problem I had with Schnozz's rant on games directed at women is that video game companies know that their target audience is boys and men, mostly teenagers to men in their 30's. It's a fact. They make the games that these men would like to play. Since these men love explosions and Die-Hard-like scenarios, the companies make games that appeal to these men because they know they will sell. If "women", or people who want a different genre of game to become more popular and variant, they need to buy the ones that are currently out there at present, like DDR, Karaoke Revolution, etc. It's not a gender-based problem, it's a genre-based problem.

If any of you have noticed, any time a point is made of male dominance, male oppression, male-ANYTHING, it is in a negative light. According to many women, because they have it so hard, being a man is not okay. They have to go through so much, whereas us men get to deal with no social or physical problems whatsoever. I'm sorry, ladies. I do understand that women have their monthly fun, that they have to buy extra clothing to cover their chestyness, that they "have" to buy make-up and all the rest, and have to deal with body image. What I also understand is that men also have to deal with body and social image, to, in my opinion, a much higher degree. I understand that men's clothing costs double or triple that of women's (if the man dresses in something other than Hanes), and that men have their own problems and stresses. For women to take their problems out on men is the same as women taking their problems out on cats, cars, or walls. Telling men that they should feel bad because they're having difficulty dealing with their problems is ridiculous because there is no way a man can relate unless they have lived Transamerica.

I'm sick of every time I'm proud of being male, eight women attack me with their problems, their "oppression", their disgust for my pride. I am proud to be male, to have made it through my struggles, and it will be my mission, as it should be all other men's missions, to stay proud of being a man and to create terms which are not all negative when referring to us. Women should not get the cushion of infalibility when it comes to their gender because if I don't get it, no one should get it.

As much as I would love to relax and accept the squishy, comfortable feminist point of view, that women are still oppressed in Canada and all of western society, I just can't sit back while these ridiculous points are made and created daily so that women can put down men over and over. I am a man and I'm not taking it anymore. If you can conceive that taking such a stand will offend women, then you should conceive that there is a social problem, and that such a stand is necessary.


PS EDIT: I write my blog using my opinions and while I definitely have a bias, I try my hardest to remain logical and rational in everything I write on Jam's Blog, and this post is no exception. I believe what I wrote in this post, and have received many agreements on my opinions, by men and women alike.

I apologize for using another blogger's opinions in this rant, but I believe the points made needed questionning. While Schnozz's post got me thinking of feminism, it in no way contradicts everything I say, and I referenced it only where necessary. I apologize to her for any distress caused, but I refuse to not debate the points made in her post in the fashion I saw them. Although all her points were not directly feminist, some were, therefore I chose to write about them.

If you dislike my opinions, if you think me to be irrational, please don't read my blog.


Tasty Niblets

Hey, you crazy person, you.

So I had been working off and on all evening, but it gets me very angry, so I need to reword and reJam it up.

Just thought I'd give a shout-out to all you bloggers out there who haven't blogged in weeks. You guys are keepin' it real. Power to ya.

Seriously though, write something. How am I supposed to fuel an addiction to blogging if you sit on your big bums writing big nothing? Geez, you're so selfish!

Well that's all, selfish you. Now for some tasty niblets of what's to come! I thought about just putting what's to come, but I knew if I put the words "tasty" and "niblets", you'd be all droolin' and actin' all crazy. I knew it.

Very soon: Rant on Feminism
Soonish: Rant on The Corporate Agenda
Later that that: Something else

The end.



J'accuse, Monsieur Quilting Bee!

Picture it: it's a dark and stormy night on The Millionaire's yacht. The date is 1920-something, and the sounds of the ocean are ambiating the voyage from Peru to the Galapagos. The Millionarie invites all of his closest family and friends aboard and announces to them all that he is engaged to his secretary, thirty years his junior. Needless to say, he gets murdered. Although there are many attractive people on board, The Lawyer, The Millionaire's closest friend, looks particularly handsome and innocent on this night, and determines that Wild Bill is the murderer. The Lawyer is thanked for being so very correct and is given eight beautiful men and a bucket of gold for his troubles.

So, that's what the scene of Heidi's murder mystery should have looked like. What it really looked like was a hilarious evening in Heidi's basement, where we listened to swing music to feel like we were in the 20's, and we ate a feast pumpernickel, spinach dip, and nachos. I was the lawyer, and definitely looked handsome, but was not given any beautiful men or buckets because The Maid did it, not Wild Bill, despite ten buckets full of incriminating evidence. I guess all is well in love and war and fake murder, I say.

Speaking of pumpernickel and spinach dip, what is in that stuff? It's like heaven on breadly heaven! I think it may be the best platter ever made, and I don't say that often. All the time people come up to me and say "Jam, what is the best platter ever made?" and I just shrug and say, "I'm sorry, low peasant in need of my expertise, but it is not my place to determine that, for it is vital to the world and the cosmos that it is kept unknown." Despite this, I think I may screw over the cosmos and say that it is definitely at least in the top five platters ever in history. If you'd like to know more about the best platters ever in history, see quilting bees and tupperware parties for examples.

Quil-ting Bee (n.)
A big group of women on the prairie who all sew a patch in one large quilt where no one patch is any more important than any other patch. Best platters include buffalo and turnip, and corn and corn.

Tup-per-ware Par-ty (n.)
A big group of women in suburbia who all yammer on about anything but tupperware. Best platters include anything containerable.

To finish off this lovely post of murder most foul, I leave you with reasons to not go on date.ca, brought to you by the lovely Leanne.



I am looking for:
she must be very espiritual,she could be gnostic,rosse cross,or any other snowlege who believes in sexual alchemy or sexual transmutation,this is so important to me!,it doesn't matter what kind of race is she !!!!!!!


Enough said. Bye!

--Jammerware, Slave to Comodities


Those Were the Days of Our Naps

I remember a simpler time. A time with booze and sleeping and skipping classes. A time with murder mysteries and DDR and tea late at night. A time with The Upstairs Crew and notes on the wall and painting rooms. A time with boyfriends and party friends. Oh, the days of second year.

Going back to school better be as great as Brock was. It was the best year of my life and all you peeps in Newfoundland better treat me well or I'll bust out an Ontario move on ya's, and boys, that's street. LOL!

There's only two weeks left until I leave and oh my kitty Jebus, I'm excited. I don't know who kitty Jebus is, but I'm telling him that I'm excited because he needs to know. I can't not tell him. He's kitty Jebus. He's important and meows and does miracles. Duh.

I'm not really sure where this post was going. You see, I had mudshakes with my dinner and so now I'm on the tipsy side of the washboard. That one leg of that washboard broke a while back, so now it's all tipsy, you see. Some would say tippy or perhaps trippy, but I say tipsy. It's quite like the time on Full House when Joey and Danny were singing at Uncle Jesse's wedding to keep the congregation (is that what you call the group of people at a wedding, or is it the audience?) happy because Jesse was stuck in a tree after skydiving out of a plane on the same day. What wacky hijinks!

I'm so sleepy! I had this book when I was younger about sleep. It was this cat and he wanted to go to sleep and his mommy cat tucked him in, but there was a thunderstorm and it kept him up all night and he was scared! I think it won the Pulitzer five times in a row, but it might have been six. What a classic. Lightning, cats, sleep. What more do you need in a book? Nothing, that's what.

I'm going to end this now with songs you should listen to:

Ecstacy by ATB
Love Comes Again by DJ Tiesto
The One by Iio
Me & You by Cassie



The Love of Boy and Myself


Travis didn't win. He didn't win and that means that life is retarded, incase you didn't know. Also, if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you missed the best show ever, So You Think You Can Dance. It gets you pumped and then you THINK you know who's going to win, but then the show crushes your dreams and kills your firstborn. I'm so angry, I think I just developed eight ulcers and a spider in my belly.

Well, time for season three.


Carmen was talking to me today about how she loves me blog and all this jazz, and I was so happy. I love talking about myself and how great I am. Conceded? Sure. Wouldn't you be if you were me? Why am I asking? Of course you would be.

I'm deciding what stuff to take on my journey out east and what to toss away and it's so hard. I want to bring stuff that shows who I am and what I find important, but I find nearly all of my possessions important. *sigh* It's so hard being me!

Boy and Myself

I want a Travis. I want a hot boy. You can send me one now. I won't be offended.

Seriously though, if I don't find a boy in St. John's in the first month, I'll jump off the side of the island. ..which is into the ocean. The Atlantic Ocean. Water.



The Facts of Life

I don't know if these are the facts of life or just a bunch of points about stuff (seems much more likely), but here they are:

Fact One: People Give Up Too Often.

I don't understand divorce. I'm not too big on the whole understanding of marriage, but I really don't understand divorce at all. I mean, if you decide, after a (should be) long period of time where you date the other, to marry, you should know what there is to know that is crucial to keep the marriage intact (kids, lifestyles, goals, etc.). Divorce just seems like people don't try.

I just finished watching "7 Days To Save Your Marriage", and it just got me thinking about it. If I ever get divorced, I'll barf. Probably the same day, but I might get the flu at some point too.

Fact Two: Everyone is Too Fucking Touchy.

Ya know what? I'm sick of it. If I say something to you and you don't like it, deal with it. Unless I'm saying to you that I'm going to slit your neck in your sleep, or that I'm going to drive your car into a chasm, you need to learn how to deal with things in a calm manner, just as I try to do. People say dumb things to me all the time and I learn to see the meaning behind it. If someone is genuinely attacking me (car-chasm-type-thing), then I can be defensive.

I really think that people are too defensive over every little thing. It's unnecessary to the point where it hinders communication in all facets. I made a post (more like ten posts) a while back saying I wasn't going to deal with this bull from anyone, and I'm not making exceptions now. I make friends, but if it's not working, I can just as easily de-friend. I'm not nice enough to put up with it.

Fact Three: Coin is the Key to Wealth.

I rolled my big ol' bucket o' change tonight and I came out with over $100! I don't even know what to buy! It makes me tingle all over! I hadn't realized how much money really goes unused in my day-to-day life, but apparantly, it's one motherload of a buttload of a toadload of a lot.

Fact Four: Everyone Should Dance.

I don't get why people "don't like to dance". I really don't think they know what dancing entails or why people dance at clubs in the first place. I dance at clubs to feel the music in a way that someone sitting down cannot. To move to the beats with hundreds of other people, drunk out of your mind (not necessary, but it definitely helps), wearing something that should make you look fine, is something that is really one of the best, most fun things one can do, in my opinion of course.

*On a side note about dance, I had planned on taking hip hop and lyrical so I could shake my booty on a stage somewhere and be good at it, but Memorial doesn't offer dance classes! WHAT-EVERRR! I'm annoyed and bummed and annoyed.

Fact Five: Excuses are Useless.

Anytime I hear an excuse for anything in any context, I think it's dumb. I really never see a good reason for one. Late for work; an excuse will just take up time that is making you later. Acting like a jackass; an excuse will just further verify that. Give it up.

Fact Six: Eighteen Days Left...

...and I can't wait.




Yo people,

So I know what you're thinking. I can read your thoughts with my thought-reading machine, also known as my bottle of vodka, also known as Vodkers. Vodkers came to me today and told me that you're wondering where my decent posts went, and that I should make a Vodka-Lime, pronto. I chose to ignore him, because really, who drinks those when they're not at a club? Not me, Vodkers. Not me.

Kay, what was I talking about? Oh, right, the decent posts. I don't think it's as though I've been posting indecent posts. It's more like nondecent posts. It's not my fault my life's boring. I go to work, I come home, and then I the end. Sometimes (alltimes) I play with Vodkers.

Today, I was having none of that. I mean, I still went to work; I'm not dumb, silly. I came home, I got changed, and I ventured out. I ventured out, not only so I could use the word ventured, but also so I could have something not nondecent to post about and to ensure my glorious fandom to post like they've never posted before! (this means you, d'oy!)

I whisked Leanne away and we walked for a whole two minutes before arriving at our destination: Dairy Queen. Today, all proceeds from the Blizzards go to children, or something. Children's charities or children's hospitals.. I dunno. Frankly, it seems like a big scam to me. How do we know that every penny of our money is going towards these children? DQ had balloons and signs advertising the event all over. Do you think that they are going to not use revenues from the Blizzards that day to pay for them? What about the dozens of people they need to pay to calculate the revenues made from the Blizzards? I think the money is actually just going the children of the owners of DQ. They need a new golden porche for their teddy bears every couple months, you see. Little brats.

Now I'm back home, exhausted from my trek to DQ. I ate half of a cappucino skor blizzard that tastes like licking the bottom of a Columbian coffee worker (like, the feet, not the bottom, sicko). Now I'm sitting here contemplating my next move.

I could clean my room because as you know, or should know if you read this blog at all (If you don't, then WELCOME! I love you already.), it's always a mess and I always want you to clean it. Since you're a lazy bum, or a lzbum for short, I need to clean it myself. Thanks a LOT.

I was actually thinking about the word "those". Strange word, no? I mean, why isn't it pronounced like "lose" or "dose"? How can all those words be spelled as though they rhyme and said differently? I think you should tell me. Soon.

So all in all, it wasn't an eventful day at all. Yeah, you try using all three times in one sentence and then get back to me, you lzbum.


Listen to: Gyrate by Da Muzicianz. Best booty shakin' song ever! GO NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!


Testing with the Spel Chek Man

So, I'm not sure if this is going to work. I'm trying to figure out how to post YouTube videos on my blog.

Oh YouTube, surrender your mysteries to Zoidberg! I mean.. to me!



What I Do

I've been falling asleep very early lately, then getting up for a couple hours at night, then falling back asleep, thus reawakening in the morning as a fatugied zombie. It's been going on for almost a week, tonight being no acception.

I don't really know why I've been doing it. I just let myself fall asleep. It's not like I have anything at all do to during a normal day, so being awake at night is even more boring than my normal life.

Tonight, for example, my thoughts throughout the night go something like this:

Well, I might as well sit at the computer. I'd watch TV, but I feel like that's wasting time, unlike sitting at my computer which is obviously more productive.
Hmm, no one online, like every other night. Let's check my email. Hmm, my MSN was right. I have no new emails. No one online yet. No new videos on YouTube. No one's updated their blogs yet. What lazy bums. No one online yet. My room's such a mess. I should pack up some stuff to take home, but I don't want to. This is more productive. I'm hungry. I think I'll go make corn. *I actually go and make corn on the cob at 1am. It was SO good.* Well, back to the computer. Still no one online. No updates on the blogs. I love the way I painted this room. I think I'll stare into the walls for about half an hour. ... Well, now that I've done that, let's check if anyone's online.

I finally came to the realization that I'm spending hour upon hour doing absolutely nothing, so I'm posting about that. Somehow, that is even more productive than just staring at my computer. I'm going to get my haircut at 10am tomorrow, and I need to pack up some boxes to take home at 11am, so I'm not sure when I'm going to sleep or pack or what. I think I need energy pills or ginseng or heroine or something to keep me more alert. Heroine addicts seem pretty with it.. maybe I'll try that.

Ooooh, I'm doing a model shoot with Leanne in the next couple days, so that should be fun. I want hawt pics of myself, so we're going to do a real crazy model photo shoot in different places and outfits, and it shall be uber grand. I'll post pictures lata.

Hmm, still no one online.

Well, I'm going to go to bed/to shower/to pack/to stare into oblivion, so I'll catch ya on the flipside, or somewhere less 90's-ish. Ciao dudes.



Nose, With Two Z's

Kay people. New blog alert.

Liz always talks about this friend of hers that she met through blogging and now they go out and hang out and yadda yadda. I refused at first to check this second person's blog because I was very jealous that I was not the first blogger to meet the fabled Liz, but alas, I live in another country lol. C'est la vie.

ANYWHO, I clicked on this person's blog today and read a random post and laughed out loud in big hearty "BLAH HAHA"'s at my computer screen, and therefore she gets a link in my sidebar. I'd link it here, but I don't want to. You can't make me!

I'm going for dinner now. I don't feel like staying in. You can't make me!

So there!

OMG, one more thing. I can hear the TV upstairs and it's that farking humming commercial! I hate it! It's for Lipton Green Tea (I had to ask Leanne because apparantly their extremely annoying advertising isn't working on me..), and it need to jump off a cliff, or however else commercials die. I think that's the most common way.

Hate it! GAH! I think I might do a post on all the many commercials I hate. Boy, that surely sounds fun, lol. At least I'd be getting some much needed confirmation that these commercials do, in fact, suck balls.

I'm also going to do a big post of everyone I know. Something... err.. it'll be cool. Truuuuust me, or else!


The Snowball Rolls On

Mornin'. I'm so tired. I was gonna get up and get a haircut (I'm getting a mohawk XD), but I slept instead. Mmmm, sleep. Ooooh, it's a long weekend! I can just sleep forever! Awesommmmme.

Sorry, I really have nothing to say, but I managed to get up a little too early again. I should have slept an extra ten minutes.. mmm.

So what have you been up to? ..mmhmm, interesting.

LOL oh boy, I'm tired. How am I supposed to work like this? I feel drunk! Maybe if I get drunk before work, the two will counteract eachother and then I'll feel sober! Now, where did I put that daquiri?

Oh, in other Jammified news, I'm buying my laptop next week! I mean, I haven't found one I truly love yet, so who knows which brand or company I'll go with. It's so stressful that I might just buy a drill and insert information directly into my brain... maybe not.

Well, night kittens. I mean.. bye lol.



Woman in the Lake

Short li'l post peeps. A few things to say:

1. EVERYONE should see Lady in the Water. It isn't a typical thriller at all (like any of Shyamalan's films), and it is an amazing and stunning piece of art. One of my favourite movies of the year.

2. People need to start posting in their blogs or I'll have to start getting a, ya know, life.

3. I'm sleepy. Night!

--Jam in the Bed

PS: Title of the post refers to when I was calling the film that.. lol so I'm slow and blonde, sue me.


Registration, Appreciation, and Agitation

Well, it finally happened. I finally got to register for my courses, and oh my jebus, I'm so happy! I got into all the courses I wanted, my schedule totally rocks the casbah! I'd like to see your schedule rock a casbah.

I have:

2nd Yr Intro to Sociology
(I'll be taking about four sociology courses throughout my time at MUN, so I need the intro as a prerequisite. Should be easy enough.)

1st Yr Intro to English Lit II
(MUN asks that you take two first year englishes before you go into the upper year courses. Since I was able to get into this one and I already have another, I get to start into my second-years next semester! Amazing surprise for meeee!)

2nd Yr Philosophy of Logic
(Requirement for ma degree..)

2nd Yr Philosophy of Knowledge
(Can't wait!)

2nd Yr Ancient Asian History
(It wasn't even on the calendar, but it was available when I went searching! BOOYAH! I'm so great!)

My Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays are all 9-1, and my Tuesdays and Thursday are both 10:30-3:30, with a two-hour break in the middle. It's such a yummy schedule; I could just eat it up! CHOMP! BAAAH HA! Just kidding, silly!

A friend of mine from work, Carmen, came up to me today and said she read my blog and she loves it so much! She said that I should write novels and that she would "totally buy it" if I got one published. I almost cried! HA! It was just so unexpected and I love it. *muah* Luv you Carm!

First off, I don't understand people who can't stand on their own two feet and just do something for themselves. Those people who just rely on others, who have no ambition, who can't grasp individual thought, just bother me. A soon-to-be-friend-of-mine in Newfoundland met this guy online who lives in Alberta. Dude is moving to Newfoundland because he's originally from here. He's moving back to the town that my friend lives in because his grandparents live there, and then when my friend moves to St. John's in September, dude will also be moving there to find work. I mean, that's great that he wants to find work and move to a larger city, but it really seems like he's following my friend because they're liking each other and he can't think of anywhere better or anything better to do, but that's just my thoughts on that.

Second, computer shopping is a total drag. I want to find the best deal I can, but also get a good laptop, and I need a bundle with a printer, but it's all so stressful! "Great deal!" No, it's not. "Special Bundle." Ya. Special. "Free shipping!" ...with an $800 rebate. Maybe I'll just get a little chalkboard and write on it. People survived doing that in the past, so why can't I? Right? Right.

The final agitating thing is that my new roommate in St. John's doesn't really want me to paint my room when I get there. It's been a tradition that when I move, I paint my room so I feel more at home, so I can't imagine not painting when I move in. Also, the room is yellow. Yellow. I mean, I suppose yellow could be alright. I'm pretty sure the furniture is dark wood too, 'cause ya know how dark wood and yellow go together. Anyways, I'm gonna keep bugging and maybe show her pictures of my room now to show her I can actually paint. On a side note, I'm really going to miss this room. The paint job took literally twenty-four combined hours or more and it was such an amazing effort on my (and Sarah's) part. I need to paint when I get there, so I'll have to stress that to my new roommate.

One month until I leave. I have to start working on these video blog dealies. I don't even think I have a microphone though... *ponders*

--Jam to bed