So HI! I feel a little nuts right now. This is going to be a slight continuation on the last boy-rant, because that's all I really have to talk about these days, lol. I'd like to share with you the ever-so-frustrating boy drama (trauma) that has been occurring as of late. Here they are, in no particular order:
FrenchyWe'll start with one you know about, or should if you read my last post. He's in his mid-twenties and just held a fabulous wine party, to which I also explained in the last post. We met at a party about a month ago and have been talking online since. He's a terrific guy with a wonderful heart and he seems to be a fun, social person.
He meets a guy and they're dating. I guess he's not interested, so that smells.
MoroccoI started chatting to a guy online about three weeks ago. He's
gorgeous, social, and more-or-less ambitious. We hit it off online (which, of course, doesn't say much for whether we'd hit it off in person), and started to get happy at the thought of a decent guy.
Then I realized he lives in
Morocco. Scratch that. A lot.
Guy I Don't KnowI've been chatting to a guy for a couple weeks who lives in St. John's. He seems nice, very social, successful, etc. He's about ten years older than me, so I was a little hesitant, but he seems decent, so whatever. I don't know him that well, but I mean it's always a possibility.
Then he tells me he has a kid. Like, why? Does God want my head to implode? I mean I'm not saying I don't want kids because I do, very much so, but not at this point. I'm in my undergrad for poop's sake. I can barely take care of my cactus, let alone a living, breathing human being. Poop.
Great GuyI've been dating a guy on-and-off for a couple months now. He's so nice and attractive and all the rest, and by all standards, I should be in a relationship with him.
There's something standing in our way though - some sort of lack of spark. I mean he's amazing in bed, but something isn't right, and it sucks the big shwang. Sucks it long and hard.
Fun GuyThen there's a guy who I've only went out with once but who is super fun, very social and independent, and an overall great guy. He has a lot in common with me and I am definitely attracted to his personality.
Unfortunately, I am not sure how attracted I am to him physically. It sounds bad, but I mean that's half the battle, right? Can I win the war without that battle? *commits suicide on the battlefield*
BurnsLastly, we have a bunch of guys (it must be around the half-dozen mark by now) who are recently in relationships. Guys that I would consider dating. Guys of which I am very jealous. I don't mean to be jealous, but when you've been single for as long as I have
while trying, it tends to just, ya know, happen.
I'm sure there's more, but those are the main ones that are sending my brain chemicals into a boil. I just feel so insane, like I'm in a bad dating show, like Sex and the City, only with a gay man and with hardly any sex at all. Why can't a guy just flop into my lap and make me happy? Hello, gay-man-rainclouds? My lap is wide open, and not just in a sexual sense. Just, come on. And, now!
Anywho, I'm frustrated, but in a goofy way. I just feel crazy and I'm laughing (involuntarily, I might add) out loud at the situation. Just call me the poster boy for singledom, whether I want to be or not.
I need an umbrella. It looks cloudy, with a chance of acid rain.
EDIT: SO, as if my boy problems weren't retarded enough as it is, I just found out that a guy I have been chatting to for about a week, a guy that was basically my last glimmer of hope at any sort of decent date, turns out to be the guy that Frenchy is now dating or whatever!
What is going on!? Am I in a bad dating movie? I have never felt so crazy in my entire life. Exam in nine hours. I'm sure that will go over great when all my answers are "men are insane".