
The True Meaning of Fantasia

Hey Peoples,

So my roomies Heather and Nat went to a Fantasia party last night. I'd imagine about half of you are saying "what the hell is that", since I did, and so did Athena, and I'd imagine Heidi would as well, and all of my male friends.

I would have thought a Fantasia party was a lame grouping of the lame where people watch the Fantasia movies (if you're not familiar, the Fantasia movies are a lame collaboration of different crazy animated scenes put to classical music by the one-and-only Disney). Unfortunately, I was ever so wrong. A Fantasia party is actually similar to a tupperware party. At a tupperware party, a bunch of middle-aged women get together to buy tupperware from a representative. Now you're probably thinking "oh, so at this party they buy Fantasia or Disney films" or something like that. You're wrong, and stupid.

At a Fantasia party, you buy sex toys. You play with and fiddle with and get explanations of SEX TOYS! LOL! I can't believe there's actually parties like that! Now, I suppose I don't have too much of a problem with the parties themselves, but come on, change the name. I'm sure Walt did not intend for his little Fantasia to be used in such a context! Does that mean that the famous Disney films could actually just be called "Sex Toys"? I don't think so.

Crazy women. First the vote and now this! (lol I'm joking, don't send me angry fema-nazi emails about how I'm a chauvanist pig, which I am)


My heroes of today: Nat and Heather, for leaving me an INSANE note outside my door, utilizing paper AND masking tape. They woke me up while writing it, but that's okay. Just don't do it again, or my alarm may just go off while my door's locked and I'm out! lol

PS - I dyed my hair blonde! I'm so excited and sexy and fine!!!


Mission Sequence

At ease, soldiers. (tee hee, I talked to you like you were a soldier! I'm so funny!)

Mission ONE: Ace the exams.

I need to do very well on my exams this semester, or I may suffer a similar fate as to that of last year. My Greek and Hinduism courses are suffering to the hands of my far more interesting English and Philosophy courses. Therefore, I need to do well on all four exams in order for my grades to actually impress anyone, including myself. It's going to be difficult, but I think I can pull off at least a B in all of them, and an A in Philosophy.

Mission TWO: Find a boyfriend.

Unfortunately, I have once again become a lonely S.O.B. I mean, my roomies and friends are a great help and I'm sure I would be far more lonely without them, but the lack of men in my life is starting to make me so loco. Last year at this point in time, I had dated an amazing guy, and was in the process of dating one, and about to date another during the Xmas season. I met lots of new guy in between as well. This year, however, I've hardly met any new guys. I don't believe it's a fact of a change of lifestyle, but I believe I've made friends with the decent guys, and the rest are.. exactly that, the rest. I've been thinking about Brian a lot lately, too. Not sure what that says, but I could interpret it in many ways. The one "new" guy I'm interested in is not around a lot and I hardly talk to. I may wait for him to come to me, or I may take a very Jam move and go to him and scare him away. We'll see.

Mission THREE: Put up my curtains.

My curtains have been sitting on my floor since the dawn of time (aka October) and I am just too lazy to put them up. I'm going to do it this week. Natalie, you're helping (I know you read this coolio).

Mission FOUR: Start writing again.

I used to write all the time, but somewhere throughout late highschool and post-secondary I stopped, due to lack of time and interest. However, I have a lot of skill and interest in writing short stories and novels, so hopefully I'll be able to fit that into my schedule soon.

There's my missions, if I choose to accept them.



To Settle is to Fail

Hey Peeps,

Just finished an awesome essay if I do say so myself. It's written on the importance of narration in Poe's The Cask of Amontillado. You should read it (not the essay, the story, unless you wanna read the essay.. then I guess I can send it to you).

So I had a lengthly discussion with Athena about how we're worried where school is taking us. She's much more worried than I am, to the point where she wants to leave the country or something. I agree with her that I am dissatisfied with the fact that I am apathetic in school and have not accomplished a whole lot thus far, but I think I'm on the right path. If I'm not, then maybe I should change paths? Maybe I should go for film direction like I had planned. If so, I'd have to change schools. And what if I didn't get into a good film school, or I didn't get a job afterwards and it was all a waste? It's all so complicated.

So I'm going home this weekend. I'm going to see Lindsay, and I'm SO excited I could hurl. We're gonna have a good ol' Jam/Linss weekend and it should be a blast! I'm going to visit my highschool on Monday and discuss what I should do, with my old teachers, whom I respect greatly. Hopefully one of 'em will give me some good advice.

On a side note, one of my best buds Di is going thru some b-s that she shouldn't be, and I feel bad leaving her this weekend. She reads this, and she knows I would stay if I could, and she's a trooper. She'll make it thru, and then we'll DDR when I get back and everything will be peachy. Or as peachy as things get these days! :)

So I won't be blogging this weekend (I know you're disappointed), but I'll be back late Monday for all your enjoyment! Wish me luck!

Luv ya'll!


Listen to: The ENTIRE new Frou Frou album. It's amazing music and it's very moving. I haven't heard something this innovative and incredible in a long time.

My hero today: Athena, for making me laugh 'til my gut hurt. "MISTH STHEVENSTH!".. "Dad, do-you-know-where-you're-go-ing? *twitch*" LOL HAHA oh man it's so great.


Damn the sandman!

Hey Hey!

Ugh I'm so groggy and it's 4pm! lol I slept thru all my classes today (all being two) because I simply could not get to sleep last night. I think the sandman is forgetting to visit my house. All I can do is think about EVERYTHING, it's like I need to run through everything in my mind before I can go to sleep. It's absolutely insane (or I am, I guess we'll find out about that one).

I've been playing this game lately called Pandora's Box, and I swear it is one of the best games ever made. It's made by the creator of Tetris, who really knows what he's doing when it comes to games. There's so much to do, and the music in it is amazing, and ahhh it's great, go play it! lol

I'm looking forward to Christmas more and more this year. I'm getting annoyed with people lately and I need to get away so I can be more chipper again, or else I could turn into my father or something, and that would be bad. I have to start my shopping this week I think. And I have to put up my decoarations. Gah, so much to do! Stupid sandman.

I feel crazy lol so I'm gonna stop typing before I type the paper fans are flying to Kazakhstan to sneeze on the Garfields.



My hero today: Lindsay, cause she's "great"!


My Life.. in quiz form.

My life is rated PG-13.
What is your life rated?

~*~Wow, I feel like such a rebel. I thought I'd be G. Must be the perma-drunkeness.

You're Hamlet!

by William Shakespeare

Something is rotten in your state. You don't know whether you would rather live or die. And you keep speaking (unwittingly) in iambic pentameter. Even with these setbacks, you have no idea just how awful life can get. With your whole family in turmoil and your love interest soaked, there isn't exactly room for hope in your world. No wonder you talk to yourself all the time!

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

~*~LOL That seems awfully bleak. Somewhat true though..

Take The Ewan McGregor Test!

~*~Wow they got that one right.

you are violet

Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

~*~Wow. That one is dead on. I like violet too!

Wish Bear
You are the dreamer of the group and believe that things will all turn out exactly how you want them to be. Your extreme optimism often annoys your friends but they realize that you do have the power to make your dreams come true. You also keep an eye out for your friends, always looking out for them.

~*~Hmm okay.

What Type of Villain are You?


~*~Tee hee.. I like this one.

So now you know what I do late at night. Work, nah. ANYTHING productive, nah. Crazy-ass quizzes that serve no purpose? Oh yeah.


Save Tonight

Howdy Yokels!

So I'm up late as usual, just hangin around listening to some good music. I'm always the last one up in my house (or if I'm not, I don't know otherwise) because I'm so restless at night. I never ever feel like going to bed unless I am dead tired and I think it's because of my sleep patterns, which I plan to change next semester. For now, I'm up doing nothing except chatting and posting on my blog, for your wonderment!

I'm going to put up Christmas decorations tomorrow. I'm so excited to do so, as Christmas is my favourite time of the year. So happy and cheerful and a great time for everyone! I'm not spending nearly as much money as I did last year, so I won't have that guilty feeling in the back of my mind that I spent too much money. All in all, I'm excited to spend my twentieth holiday season with friends and family. It should be the best yet!

I went to a new(er) club last night, Stella's, with my roomie Natalie, and her roomies from last year. It was absolutely one of the best nights I've had all year and it is my new favourite club. It has a dress code, which makes everyone look good, and makes it more difficult for women to look slutty and men to look grubby, which makes Jam a happy Jam. I'm going again in two weeks, and I can't wait!

Hmm well I guess there's nothing else new right now. I still haven't told the boy about how I feel, but I haven't talked to him much, so I'll wait it out for a little while longer. No rush.


My hero today: Natalie, for going out last night with me and giving herself a much needed break! "We need to find a hot way in!"

Listen to: Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry, and Science Genius Girl by Freezepop


Searching for Denouement

Hey Peoples!

So I figure hardly anyone will know what denouement means, so I'll tell you! It means "The outcome of a complex sequence of events." So hopefully some of you are saying to yourselves that I'm a freak for knowing that, and hopefully others are saying "James and his stupid word-a-days that come in his email."

So first of all, the problems for which I seek resolution:

1. Apathy

As I've written about before, I've become very apathetic. I find it hard to concentrate and work diligently on a task, unless I'm in a working mood, or something is due the next day. I would like to get work done ahead of time, but it just does not seem to happen.

2. Single..ness

I know I've only been single for like two weeks or something, but my problem isn't actually that I am single, it's that I like someone who does not know it, and it's driving me insane. He's a great person, but I don't think he really knows I'm around and that I feel this way.

Anyways, I am searching for denouement for both these problems, which will most likely come at Christmas. Christmas seems to cleanse my soul and I always try to have a new start after New Years. I have terrific classes next semester, and am extremely excited towards them. I'm also going to tell this person how I feel over the break, if I can. If not, I may tell him sooner, but I'd like to wait a little while, and get up enough nerve to do it properly. Hopefully it will all work out, but somehow I don't see the phrase I wish to hear in my future; rather, I see the phrase "we should just be friends" in my future. My life story.

Well, hopefully denouement is in the near future, and the climax will not be as dramatic as I learned in OAC English.



Is this line-up really necessary?

Hey everybody!

So my friend Steph came over today, which was great because I haven't seen her in so long and I miss having her in the next court like last year in rez.

Anyways we went to Subway, the one across from the Pen, for a bite to eat. The time was about 9:35pm. We walk into the place, and the one girl immediately goes "Ugh".. as if "I cannot believe a customer actually came in here." So we wait in line behind a couple people as she puts together their subs, and after a minute or so, she says to the other girl "Is this line-up really necessary? We have to close soon." LOL! So Steph and I just kind of look at each other and are like wow, someone's being a super bitch.

So after she finishes with the two people in front of us, two others have came in and are waiting behind us. She says to us "Are you all having one sub, because I have to close in 5 minutes." LOL!?!? Yes, I'm going to share my one sub not only with Stephanie, but with the people behind me as well. And oh my! If you have to close in 5 minutes, please oh please let me leave immediately after waiting in line for 5 minutes. AND AND If she's closing in 5 minutes, does that mean that she's closing at like 9:41 or 9:42 or what.. some crazy time that places don't close at? Oh right, right.

Then, while she's making our subs, she's being completely rude, sighing and practically throwing as big a tantrum as she can without getting fired. All in all, I'm so unimpressed that I'm going to call there tomorrow. I don't appreciate being treated poorly towards, especially by some idiot teenager who didn't pass her remedial math class.

And she had some sort of facial hair unibrow thing going on, too. Serves ya right.



Hotmail, Snotmail, Major Minor, and a Goatee


So my HUGE news, that I'm so excited about, is that hotmail finally upgraded my email account to 250MB! My inbox kept getting full and people were telling me they were getting upgrades and I was becoming extremely testy, they must have known that. So yay! I can keep so many emails, I just won't know what to do with myself! It's.. just.. email overload!


So I think I'm catching some form of cold.. I keep sneezing and sniffling and all that stupid stuff. I took some vitamin C and an advil, so hopefully they will work as a super pill team and combat the forces of cold to make me one big happy Jam. If not, be prepared for complaining. By me. About the cold.

Major Minor

Today I actually decided on a major, and therefore a little bit of direction in my otherwise random life. I'm going to major in english, with a minor in philosophy. I was going to go right into journalism, but I don't believe that's my calling. So what I can do is if I still believe that I want to be a journalist, I can master in journalism after I'm finished my degree. Or I can master in something else, which seems more likely. I'm enthused, I'm excited, and I can't wait to see where this leads me.

and a Goatee

(If that's not how you spell that, forgive me, and I apologize to all of the goat's followers, the goatees)

So for some strange reason I decided I'm going to attempt to grow facial hair. I know I'm a baby face, but hey I have to shave just like everyone else. So at first I wasn't shaving at all, but I broke down and now it's just my chinny chin chin. I like the way it feels, but it's not very prominent, so I'm going to try to shave it off a couple times to get it to come in fuller. That works, right? Right?... right.

That's it for now! I'm off to bed because I'm really not sure why I'm still up.



Early Mornings, Late Beginnings

Hey Everyone,

So I feel like I have turned a new leaf when it comes to my schoolwork and my life in general. This morning I woke up in time for class after only hitting the alarm once, and I feel ready and "raring" to go. I was thinking a lot yesterday about how my schoolwork is suffering due to an apathetic behaviour, and I'm going to really try and change that! Today I'm not going to stop working, except maybe for a nap lol naps are still ok, right?.. Right.

I attribute part of this to my playing of Pandora's Box, a puzzle game I recently found in my desk. It's one of my all-time favourite games. I read somewhere once, that if you play puzzle games, it gets the gears in your head turning to do other work, and you can more easily figure out problems in your real life. I think that is totally true, and I think it's already starting to work.

I attribute another part of my new attitude towards my eating of protein everyday. I bought a bunch of chicken breasts, and Heidi and I each day are making different meals with them. We both were feeling exhausted, when we realized by gosh we're not eating any meat! So there ya go. Me smart.

So that's that! Yay for new beginnings, boo to early mornings, and yay for hot men!.. I mean yay for me. Me!



Weekend of the Greats

Hello to my adoring fans!

So it's very late on Saturday night (or very early Sunday morning) and I decided to give you people an update!

I did end up going out on Friday night instead of staying in. I figured I needed a night to get shit-faced (excuse my language), as well as hang out with some friends I don't always get to see. Also, a newer friend of mine, Mike, was going out after a big break up, so I thought it would be a kind gesture if I made it so he knew one more face in the bar. Although he was too drunk to realize I was there, and asked me "how are you" about 100 times because he was just that drunk, I still enjoyed seeing him, and all my other friends, in a different setting.

Tonight he (Mike) and his friend Megan came over to our place and hung out with Nat and I. We played all the awesome games we own (DDR, Donkey Konga, Karaoke) and had one of the best nights I've had in a long time. I've played these games before and had a great time, but the company was amazing, and Nat and Mike are HILARIOUS people! Terrific night, can't wait to do it again soon.

So all in all, I've been having a terrific weekend, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store.

Night all!


My heroes of the day: Mike, Craig, Nat, and Di, for being the best people ever and giving me what proved to be a much needed and very uplifting and fun weekend!


Still Mind

Hey everybody!

So it's 5 o'clock on a Thursday and I just recently woke up. It's a sad state of affairs, I'm very aware. However, this whole mono biz-nass (if that's what I have) has me so worn out I can barely function.

So I'm doing much better than in my last post. I've decided to move on to other problems and try to keep myself busy, focus on other things so I don't think about the other night. I've moved onto a much more serious problem called apathy. A few years ago I hardly knew the meaning of the word, and now it seems to describe my life. I feel ill everytime I think about how apathetic I've become, and I feel awful that I'm missing class or not doing my readings, but at the same time, I do nothing to resolve it. I'm going to ask some members of my family for advice. Maybe they can knock some sense into me. If not, I'll just nap through the next six months and wake up more annoyed with myself than ever.

Tonight is Survivor, The OC, and The Apprentice. Ah Thursday, how I love thee. I can blissfully watch the television for three hours and not care about the blunders of the world. Tomorrow night I hope to go out with my roomies, but it seems we may just stay in. Not sure how excited I am to stay in and drink, so I might go out with some other people or something. We shall see.

Well, I'm off to make some grub and pretend to do readings. Ciao 4 now!


OH! I forgot! Go to this link and click on the blinking green Christmas light along the top of the monitor. It's absolutely hilarious and I think I've watched it about 200 times. Yay Homestar!


Shaken Mind

Hi People,

So tonight I cannot sleep. I feel sick to my stomach and I don't think it'll feel any better anytime soon.

I ended my short-lived, long awaited relationship with Brian this evening. It's extremely sad, but I hope it was a step that needed to be taken. I can't help but ask myself questions with no answers, like "why do certain people enter your life?", "why do you feel a certain way towards a person?", "is there a special 'one' out there for you to find?", etc. My eyes continuously well as I keep thinking of these inane ponderings, and I can only hope that I will feel better in the morning.

I hope Bri knows how much he meant.. means to me, and I hope this doesn't ruin what could be a very good friendship.

Seems like it'll be another sad Christmas in the love department for the Jam. Good thing I have Sheba and my girls.



Long Week(s)

Hey Hey!

So I'm here in Hamilton visiting my pal Leanne. It's Jen's birthday party tonight and I'm going to have a couple drinks, mingle with some people whom I have no idea who they are. Should be tons of fun!

So in the last two weeks, I haven't done a whole lot. I'm still trucking away at my schoolwork, as usual. Got a very high mark in philosophy on an essay, but my happiness was crushed later that day because I got a very low mark on an english essay. I guess it balances out. I put a lot more effort into my philosophy essay anyways, so it just goes to show that you get out what you put in.

Things with Brian are steady. I'm happy to have him around, and he's one of the most caring people I've ever met. It's hard for me to get used to a relationship, as I haven't been one in a while, and I'm very independent. I enjoy my space, so it might be good that we live apart from one another, because then I do have that time to myself between visits.

This week I have Sunday night to hang out with my Brantford peeps, and then Monday I have a dentist appointment. It's basically to set up when I get my wisdom teeth out.. ouchie! Not exactly looking forward to that, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Well I'm off to buy booze! Later everybody!


Listen to: Takes My Pain Away by Jimmy Eat World, and Lucky Me by Sarah Slean. You better!